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LATE NIGHT IN THE MYSTIC FALLS WOODS parked a RV with Caroline trapped inside a cage and the two Salvatore brothers willing to save her for Elena sake. Stefan gladly hands over Tyler who is friends with a wolf pack that his uncle was friends with as well. Stood next to Jules was her boyfriend, giving the brothers dirty looks since one of them has killed their friend Mason Lockwood.

"Which one of you killed Mason?" Brady, the friend asks.

"Uh, that'd be me," Damon gladly takes the blame.

"Boys, make sure that one suffers," Brady orders his pack as they stood around with weapons that can harm a vampire.

The two brothers look at each other and back the group. Stefan seemed uneasy with the amount of men standing around with stakes, vervain, and flamethrowers. With the only two against a pack, the fight can go down south for them.

"We can take them," Damon says.

"I don't know about that," Stefan trails off, still very unsure.

"Well then, looks like you need my help after all."

Before the war commenced, their heads whip towards the direction of a familiar voice they have not heard in half a century. There stood a small figure with their hands on their hips, easily seeing her bright blue eyes just like her older brother's and a smirk plastered on her face. The sister that has gone silent for fifty years and happen to make her appearance.

Taking the opportunity while everyone is now distracted, the sister speeds towards Jules and round house kicks her, sending the werewolf on top of the RV. The rest of the opposing team charge towards their enemies; Stefan facing a man with a flamethrower, attempting to scare him but ultimately fails. The younger brother takes the weapon and uses it against them, burning two werewolves. Near the RV, a werewolf tries to jump from the RV and attack Damon from the top, but he swiftly rips his heart out in mid-air.

The sister fights with a werewolf that wields a stake, trying their best to strike the girl but is too slow since she uses it on him. A werewolf from behind her aims his crossbow to fire a stake at her but she turns around, catching it without any difficulties. Distracted by a werewolf, Stefan notices another arrow fire at his sister but he speeds over and catches it before it hits her neck and throws it at his instead. But with his luck draining, a werewolf runs towards him and drives a stake to his back, causing Stefan to fall on the ground. Damon fights with Brady with the help of his sister switching off, but Jules arrives and shoots both siblings, sending them to the ground.

Brady picks up a stake and is about to kill Damon, but suddenly, all the werewolves, excluding Tyler begin to scream in pain. They all cover their ears with their hands and fall onto their knees. Appearing is Jonas Martin with his hands extended while casting a spell on the werewolves. The Salvatore siblings get up off the ground.

"Elijah made a promise to Elena. I'm here to see it's upheld. You need to go. Get out of here. Now."

The siblings vamp speed away from the scene, ending up at the Salvatore boarding house where the sister feels nostalgic. Stefan excuses himself from the family reunion to check up on Caroline and there is now the two siblings. Damon and his younger sister share a long stare until a smile creeps onto his face; a genuine smile. They both hug each other tightly, letting out breathy chuckles and enjoying each other's embrace.

"Welcome home, Cora," Damon pulls away, looking at his sister. "Why exactly did you come back?"

"I was homesick, and heard my brothers were back in this easily forgettable town," Cora slightly smiles. "I missed you, D."

"I missed you too."


Author's Note
Soooo here's the epigraph and prologue!! I'll be posting the first chapter tomorrow. So stay tuned for that. You guys are in for some crazy stuff >:) (probably not but whatever)

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