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BEING THE STUBBORN PERSON SHE IS, Cora remained in her room through the morning, avoiding the doppelgänger. She's angry at the fact that she unhesitatingly slapped her but she's also sad that she's not desperate to hear an apology come out of her mouth. The vampire had stayed up until break of dawn, not being able to fall back to sleep because of her head filled with unwanted thoughts. Once her emotions go out of whack, so does her mind and she ends up overthinking and stress feed.

In the middle of the night, Cora roams the creepy town, looking for someone to snack on. She stands in the woods listening for any campers around and laughter can be heard. She follows the sound, only to see a campfire and a group of teenagers sitting around, drinking.

A guy gets up and walks further away from the group to do god knows what. Cora slowly follows behind and hears him groan along with a fresh smell of his blood. The veins pop out from under her eyes and she licks her lips, wanting the blood from the vein. She rushes towards the guy and reacting quite late, she bites into his neck, draining the blood out of the body so quickly he couldn't get a yelp out.

Cora drops the body onto the ground and licks the remaining blood off of her lips. She hears the others laughter grow along with her hunger. She stomps her way towards the group, revealing herself and they all pounce up as they see her. Her eyes turn into a red color and she speeds towards a random one, instantly killing them as she fed. Two guys try to defend themselves while two other girls run off with a guy. With ease she kills the brave guys and run off to chase her food.

The three teenagers believe they ran away and look around frantically at the morning light in hopes of finding a way out. One of the girls screams as she is pulled up into the trees and drained of blood. The girl and guy look around scared for their life. The body of the other girl falls in front of them and her friend screams at the sight. Cora appears behind them and ends the other girl's life, leaving the guy shaking.

"Don't move," Cora compels the guy.

"P-Please don't hurt me," he pleads the vampire for mercy.

"I just can't help myself," Cora pats his cheek and wipes her mouth. "When I overthink I tend to go out of control and feed, a lot. It's this unavoidable bloodlust I have and no one can stop me. Not even my brothers. Only my little brother understands me because we're the same."

"Sounds like you need to see someone," the guy says fearfully in hopes he can stall.

"No one can help me," Cora laughs. "I'm a ripper. Wow, I hate saying that. I don't want to be anything like my little brother. We don't even want to be, this."

"Killing me and my friends will only prove that you are a ripper," the guy hesitated.

"You're right. You were fun while you lasted."

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