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|31.| THE FIVE

NOW THAT THE GANG HAS DISCOVERED ONE OF THE HUNTERS OF THE FIVE THEY NEED TO FIGURE OUT THEIR HISTORY. However, Damon has offered Elena he would help her through the feeding and that's what they plan on doing. Although it would be a horrible idea for Cora—a ripper—to go, she would need to since she hasn't fed in a long while. Stefan stands with the arrow that has the hunter's mark on it in the library while Damon carries some of the hunter's belongings inside.

"So what is all this?" Stefan asks his brother.

"Some personal items that I snaked from the vampire hunter's RV. May he rest in peace," Damon sets down the box. "I'm searching for a supernatural handbook."

"You know for a fact he was supernatural?" Stefan asks.

"According to Klaus, yes he is," Cora walks down into the library drying her hair. "Or as he likes to say, the hunter is one of The Five."

"The guy magically appeared just as someone blows up the entire Founders Council. He's covered in a tattoo that only Jeremy Gilbert - of all people in the world - seems to be able to see. Klaus mentioned something about him being one of The Five," Damon points to Cora who mentioned the hybrid. "Then he kamikazes himself with explosives. Sound natural to you?"

"What's the Five?" Stefan looks at his sister.

"Hell if I know. Klaus just mentioned it and never thought to fill me in," Cora states and throws the towel over her shoulder.

"You would think your boyfriend would tell you things, but that's just me," Damon says and pulls out his phone that is ringing.

Cora rolls her eyes and leaves the boys in the library, going to get properly dressed in her room. Damon talks to Sheriff Forbes who is the one that called him and a worried expression appears on his face. He hangs up afterwards and continues to dig into the box.

"What? You're not gonna tell me?" Stefan looks at him.

"Can't tell you. Private. We're in a fight," Damon states.

"You're in a fight. I'm not in a fight, I'm over it, I've been over it," Stefan explains.

"You're not still mad at me about Elena?" Damon looks at him, wanting to know the answer.

"You let her feed on you. I'm always gonna be mad at you but we're not in a fight," Stefan says with air quotes.

"Very well, then. They didn't find any remains at the explosion site," Damon says in defeat as that was the plan all along was to try and kill the hunter.

"So Connor's still out there."

While the brother's discuss this matter brought upon them, Cora listens to them while sitting on the staircase. She knows he is alive because her and Klaus are the ones who saved him. The only problem is she can't tell them where he is exactly because she's not sure where Klaus took him since he made her go home so that he would handle him.

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