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|18.| SENSES

EVERYONE HAS BEEN SLIGHTLY ON EDGE AFTER THE INCIDENT AT THE HOMECOMING DANCE. Cora heads over to the Grill with her brother to talk with Elena and Bonnie, more so Bonnie since she had another vision of the same people and same thing.

They walk inside and Damon heads straight towards the bar, planting himself on a stool and snapping his fingers for the bartender to pour him a drink. Evans pours him his favorite alcohol and looks over, catching Cora's eyes. They both smile at each other, giving little waves and Cora finds a seat at the table with Elena and Bonnie.

"I feel like I'm going crazy. Totally paranoid all the time," Elena says as the sister takes a seat.

"You have a right to be. Klaus is still out there and he knows you tried to kill him," Bonnie replies and Cora slightly sighs.

"Why hasn't he made a move? There has been no sign of him. Nothing. Just my slow spiral into insanity."

"Join the club. Every time I close my eyes, I have that nightmare. On repeat," Bonnie states.

"The same dream?" Cora asks, looking at the witch.

"Yeah!" Bonnie nods at her. "Four coffins. Klaus is in one of them. It's weird."

"What if it's not just some dream? What if it's like, you know, a witch dream?" Elena says lowly and Cora shakes her head.

"It's probably nothing but stress," Cora takes a drink of her tea.

"Yeah, I'll figure it out," Bonnie agrees with the vampire. "And what about Stefan? Has there been any sign of him?"

"No one knows where he is," Cora taps on her cup, with worry striking her mind again about her little brother.

"He betrayed us Bonnie. The Stefan that we know is gone," Elena states.

"How are you with it?" Bonnie gives Cora a sad smile and she slightly shrugs.

"All I can do is worry about him and feel guilty for everything that has happened between my little family. He's my little brother, my responsibility and I blew it," Cora sighs, glancing at Damon who is still at the bar.

"And Damon? How's he handling it?"

"Damon is," Cora pauses and sighs. "Damon."

The sister takes her phone out from her back pocket and goes to her messages, seeing no reply to her multiple texts. She slightly sighs and sends her little brother another text, asking if he is okay and places it back in her pocket. Bonnie excuses herself from the table, telling the girls she is going to figure something out and they say their see you laters.

Elena over hears Evans saying something about Jeremy getting fired last week and she goes to call him. But he doesn't answer so she leaves him a message and Cora walks over to where Damon is, watching as he throws a dart and gets a bullseye.

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