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HEARTBREAK WAS NOT ONLY FELT IN MYSTIC FALLS BUT AS WELL AS NOVA SCOTIA. The search of the cure came to end, but not without an abrupt surprise. Katherine Pierce made it her mission to make her appearance in Silas' tomb and steal the cure from the hands of the groups. Although it ended with their hands bare, a heartbreaking realization came as Jeremy was drained of blood to wake up Silas—a thousand year old immortal who needs blood just like a vampire.

Elena has her own beliefs, thinking that since Jeremy has lost his tattoo he is no longer a supernatural being and that his ring will bring him back to life. Stefan knows better, understanding that he's now nothing but a lifeless body.

In the Gilbert residence, Caroline goes back to the home, cleaning the burn mark on the floor while Cora straightens everything in the living room. The front door opens and the two girls look over, seeing Elena walking in with Stefan carrying Jeremy's body.

"Hey, you're home. I was trying to clean the burn mark where Kol...I couldn't get the spot out," Caroline says.

She sees Stefan carrying Jeremy, his body wrapped in a blanket. Cora lifts her hand to her mouth, not hearing him breathing or a heartbeat. Stefan shakes his head at the girls and Cora feels a lump forming in her throat, having the urge to cry.

"Come on. Let's get him upstairs," Elena points to the second level.

Elena walks upstairs to her brother's room and Stefan follows her. Cora let's out an unsteady breath and she hits the island from walking backwards. Caroline notices her state and she rushes towards her, helping her stand up straight and not wanting her to break down.

"Oh, my god. Jeremy," Cora's says with a shaky voice and Caroline places her hands on her arms.

"Hey, we need to be strong for Elena. Once she comes back to reality, she'll need us," Caroline explains and Cora slowly nods.

"I don't think I can stay here."


Upstairs sat Elena next to her brother, softly smoothing his cheek with her hand and holding his hand with her other hand. Downstairs Caroline dumps a bucket filled with water into the sink and Cora leans against the island, staring at nothing as she hated the thought of Jeremy being dead.

"How long has she been like that?" Caroline looks at Stefan.

"Ever since we found his body. She hasn't said anything except that she's waiting for him to wake up," Stefan sighs, remembering how she was before they came back.

"But he's not going to wake up. She knows that, right?" Caroline asks.

Stefan places a finger over his lips, signaling her to be quiet and he turns the faucet on, letting the water rush down quickly. Cora blinks once she hears the water running and she looks at the other two.

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