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NEW YORK CITY was the place where many people enjoyed the newly emerging American culture. Many spend their nights in pubs where there's jazz music blaring, booze to drink, and people to socialize with. With Cora, it's everything that she wished for now that she is separated from her beloved brothers who still have some conflicts between each other. Although the Salvatore sister has heard rumors of the new threat out in the world, specifically Mystic Falls where Stefan is located, or as they called him 'the Ripper of Monterey'. Which in her mind, she believes it's not her problem.

Cora walks into one of the well known nightclubs, smiling wide as all she sees is her midnight snacks. She fixes her favorite dress and walks in, heading straight for the bar. She compels the bartender to retrieve her a free drink and she earns a few hoots and hollers from men around her. The bartender arrives with her drink, setting it in front of her. She takes the glass and drinks, feeling the presence of another.

"What's a beautiful lady sitting at the bar all by herself doing?" A man leans on the counter, slurring his words.

"Minding her own business," Cora slightly smiles and compels him. "If you can, sweetie, take your drink and bother someone else."

The man picks up the drink he originally bought for her and walks away to another woman. Cora smirks in satisfaction and drinks the rest of her glass. Someone to the side of her chuckles and she glances over to see a man with his hair slicked perfectly.

"A lovely lady, I'll say," the man comments, looking at Cora. "Compels her way out of situations. Excellent."

"You must be a vampire as well, hmm?" Cora says lowly, turning towards him.

"That, I am. An Original to be exact," the man looks at her and holds his hand out. "Elijah, pleasure to meet you."

"No, the pleasure's all mine," Cora smiles as Elijah kisses her knuckles.

The Salvatore sister gets up to move a seat closer to the man she had just met and starts a conversation. Both drinking and laughing freely, not caring about the looks they received from people who thought they were crazy drunk. Cora plays with the beads of her dress and feels the tension between she and Elijah; not awkward tension, but the hunger for one another as the alcohol started getting to them.

One thing lead to another, the two vampires end up in Cora's apartment, tearing at each other's clothes. Cora removed his suit jacket and ripping open his dress shirt, ignoring the fact that the buttons have popped out. Elijah then speeds towards her bed, laying her down and hovering over her, placing kisses around her neck. With assistance, Elijah pulls off her dress while Cora shimmy's out of the sequined dress. Their lips smash against each other's and Elijah removes his lips, attacking her neck once again, causing her eyes to roll back. It was all carried out—drunk sex.

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