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THE NEXT DAY FELT LIKE A WHOLE BUNCH OF WEIGHTS HAS BEEN PLACED ON EVERYONE'S SHOULDERS. Cora wakes up with a raging headache from all the blood she drank the days before, completely hungover from it. She gets out of bed and changes out of the bloody clothes from yesterday. She looks at her appearance and rolls her eyes, trudging downstairs.

On the ground laid two dead brunette girls, which concerned Cora for a moment until she remembers that Stefan is home and in ripper mode. She kicks one girl out of the way and she stops at the doorway, seeing Stefan playing Twister, only it's him spinning the spinner and a few girls are on the mat with a large amounts of blood.

"Uh-oh. Alexandra, left hand, please," Stefan looks at the spinner. The girl holds out her hand for him and he bites into her wrist.

"Hey, Chucky, might want to get Dead and Deader down there to buy me and D another Persian rug, otherwise he will be pissed," Cora points back to the girls.

"You mean, they owe all of us a Persian rug? It's my house, too, big sis. Ooh! Would you like a spin?" Stefan holds up the spinner used for the game.

"So this is what Klaus had in mind when he compelled you to protect Elena?" Damon walks beside Cora, taking in everything.

"Apparently. Nothing but a blood-hungry drunk," Cora crosses her arms.

"Awe, someone missing their lover?" Stefan smirks at Cora. "Well, these ladies are helping me be all that I can be."

"As I said, blood-hungry drunk," Cora rolls her eyes.

A knock at the door stops the siblings from their bantering. Damon looks at Cora, who only shrugs at him and he answers it. Rebekah stands there with a small smile and invites herself, bringing in shopping bags as well.

"Where's Stefan?" She asks.

"Who the hell are you?" Damon looks at her weirdly.

"He left me here. My brother actually left me here," Rebekah looks at Cora in disbelief, but Cora only shrugs.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Your tone implies that I'm actually supposed to care," Stefan states, earning a eye roll from Rebekah.

"You're Klaus's sister?" Damon asks another question since no one answered.

"Rebekah. Pleasure, I'm sure. Which one's my room?" Rebekah cuts to the chase.

"You're not staying here."

Rebekah looks at Damon who doesn't say anything and at Cora who just shrugs once again. "Rude. All of you. I'll see it to myself." And so Rebekah heads towards the stairs.

"So I guess she's staying here."


The Salvatore sister leaves the boarding house to get away from her no-feelings little brother and Barbie Klaus, who has nagged her about not being more welcoming. Cora walks to the one place she ended up in, which is the quarry where Elena's aunt has been sacrificed along with the werewolf Jules and Elena herself. She walks to one certain spot of the open space, noticing the dried up pine needles that had blood remaining layered on.

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