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THE WHOLE COMMUNITY WAS LEFT WITH AN ACHING HEART. Carol Lockwood was killed last night after the Winter Wonderland event and no one knows how she died; more like who killed her. Of course, Liz Forbes does not want to scare anyone in the community by saying there's a murderer in the loose, so it's best to say her death was an accident.

Not only is the community's hearts are aching, Stefan has finally found out that his brother lied about letting Elena go and learned that they were very close to each other. With the death of Carol Lockwood, Tyler is left alone with no family alive to be around and is angrier than ever, knowing his mother was murdered and that everyone is saying her death was an accident.

He has a few guesses of who may have killed his mother; Klaus or Cora. Klaus figured out his plan, more like was informed, that he tried to help his hybrids break the sire bond and flee to different parts of the world. With Cora, everything already got her head where she willingly killed innocents just to get out the location of her little brother from Tyler.

In the early morning, Cora sits on the roof of her home, scratching at the asphalt shingle. The Salvatore made a huge mistake of feeding off of two people last night and now her hunger for blood is growing stronger. All she wanted was to save her brother from Tyler's hybrids and make sure he was safe; that meant sacrificing anything. She sacrificed her steady diet and now her mind is everywhere.

Her phone rings inside of her room and Cora snaps out of her thoughts, climbing down the roof and onto her balcony. On the screen of her phone is Damon's name and she answers it.

"Hey, big brother," Cora sits on the bed. "What do you want?"

"Ah, isn't it my sweet, baby sister," Damon says from the dock at the Gilbert lake house. "I'm kind of stuck with two bozos: one of them who is an annoying vampire hunter and the other an annoying busboy. Why don't you just come on down and spend a day with me, hmm?"

"Why don't you ask Stefan?" Cora asks. Damon makes a face, not wanting to face his brother.

"Stefan? Nah, he's no fun anyways. Oh, come on, C. For me?" Damon asks in hopes of her giving in.

"Fine. I'll be at the lake house in a few," Cora hangs up and changes into her outfit of the day.

At the lake house, Damon remains standing out on the dock on his phone, listening to a voicemail Elena had left for him. By the house is Jeremy and Matt helping the net vampire hunter train, or in his case, fight each other to kill time.

"All right, go ahead. Make a move," Jeremy insisted that Matt makes the first move.

"I drove up here to be your wingman, not kick your ass," Matt states but Jeremy gives him a shrug as a response. "Alright."

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