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"Aye, let's say that Mikael followed Elena in here. He tried to grab her, so he could use her as bait," Stefan says an idea.

Everyone had met up at the Salvatore boarding house to figure out a plan to reel in the hybrid so that they can kill him. Almost everyone in the household agrees with ending his life besides Cora, who feels the need to keep him alive, not because she cares but she wants to know more on why she was compelled to forget things between the early 1900s and 1950s.

"And you what? Vervained him?" Elena asks.

"No, we vervained him! This guy is an Original. To make it realistic," Damon states the obvious.

"Okay, fine. We vervained him, and in the process discovered that he had a dagger."

"Which he planned to use on Rebekah, but instead-"

"We drove it through his heart," Cora cuts her off and leans against the tray table for the alcohol.

"And what happens when he asks to see Mikael's body," Elena asks.

"Good point!" Damon nods and looks at Stefan. "You my brother have been compelled to do what Klaus says. So the idea is to lure him back here and kill him, last thing we need is you getting tripped up and tongue-tied."

"Well, don't look at me. I am just in charge of getting him back here," Stefan says in his defense.

"Surely Klaus isn't dumb to fall for any of this. If we tell him that Mikael is dead, he'll want proof," Cora says from her spot.

"Then I shall be dead," Mikael walks into the room.

"What if he wants to see you in person?" Elena asks another question.

"Well that means our plan is working. Klaus will absolutely want to see my body. You lure him here, and I will kill him."

"With what? Those daggers won't work on him," Stefan says.

"Well, I'm in possession of a stake fashioned from the wood of the ancient white oak tree. The one that left these ashes when it burned," Mikael replies.

"Then where is it?" Cora crosses her arms.

"Not here. The knowing of its location is my insurance policy," Mikael says as he dips one of the daggers into the ashes of the white oak.

"Against what?"

"You leaving this in my heart. You see, a vampire can't dagger an original without dying. So, it falls to you," Mikael points the dagger towards Elena, putting it into her hands.

With the plan settled, Stefan gives Klaus a call and everyone in the room falls silent so that the hybrid won't seem suspicious of what's happening. Elena drives the dagger into Mikael's heart with Stefan watching it all so that he can tell the truth. Cora listens closely for the line to be picked up and he answers, hearing his voice come in.

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