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WHEN YOU BELIEVE EVERYTHING IS GOING SMOOTHLY UNTIL YOUR DEMONS COME HAUNTING YOU. One of Damon's kills has came for a visit, unaware that he has a sister which will give him leverage. Tyler's uncle Mason finishes chaining Damon up into a chair just like how he had did so to the werewolf before he killed him. Mason wanders upstairs, searching for her room and there's Cora's door wide open, the girl peacefully sleeping. He looks around the hall for something to draw her attention and he sees another elegant vase and breaks it by pushing it to the ground.

The vampire's eyes shoot open and she slowly sits up, looking around confused to what was the sound. Mason tosses another vase and Cora groans, assuming it is Stefan making the disruption as Damon had thought before he was tied up. She stands up, wrapping her silk robe around her body and walking out of her room. Another vase was broken, but is downstairs where she rolls her eyes.

"Keep it up Stefan, then you'll definitely get your heart torn from your chest," Cora says out loud, hugging herself.

The Salvatore walks downstairs and stops at the end where the rug is supposed to be laid out, but it has been rolled up without getting picked up. Cora's eyebrows furrow and huffs as she kicks the rug so it is completely rolled up.

"Now, you're cleaning stuff up? What a monster," Cora sarcastically said. She feels a presence near by and she quickly turns around, seeing no one. "Okay, Stefan, this isn't funny anymore."

Cora jumps once she hears Damon screaming in the other room and she speeds over. There he sat chained in a chair with his skin blistering from the sun burning him. She quickly grabs his ring and puts it on his finger, seeing his skin start to heal.

"That was a low blow from our little brother," Cora states, breaking the chains with ease.

"According to Stefan, it wasn't him that did this to me," Damon groans and stretches his wrist as they are now released. "But I might have an idea of who did this."

"You see, I know everyone literally hates you, but who in their right mind would actually bend over backwards and successfully torture a vampire?" Cora crosses her arms.

"When you say everyone, you mean everyone including the deceased," Damon stands up, grabbing his car keys. "Killed a werewolf like this once. Didn't go out well for him."

"Payback's a bitch, hmm?" Cora cocks her eyebrow and Damon rolls his eyes.

"You're coming with me. We're gonna figure out this witchy problem."

"Hold on then," Cora groans and speeds up to her room.

The sister gets dressed for the day and goes with Damon to his car and drives towards the Grill where everyone else is located. Cora asks her older brother questions as to why he tortured Mason in the first place and connecting it to Jules torturing them as well. Damon being Damon was stubborn and answered that it wasn't all his fault. He parks the car and they both walk in to see Alaric alone so the duo stand alongside him.

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