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|25.| MAD MAN

THE YOUNGEST SALVATORES FACE ANOTHER PROBLEM, SUCH AS RETRIEVING THE REMAINING WHITE OAK STAKES. The hatred Stefan had for the Original subsides, although the fear Cora has for him has increased a small amount. She still believes the hybrid will come to his senses and she knows for a fact no matter how much he threatens her, he will never lay a finger on her.

Everyone else remains defensive over Klaus's threat. Damon and Elena get ready to travel across the country to Denver where her brother lives but soon he will come back. Cora walks downstairs to meet with her older brother so that she can send him off and say her goodbyes. She walks over to Stefan who stands by the fireplace staring at the flames with his hands in his pockets.

"You sure you're confident in sending Elena with Damon across the country, little brother?" Cora glances at him.

"They're going to get her brother and I'm sure she would want to see him," Stefan glances back. "Plus, I want them to go together."

"I see," Cora slowly nods, knowing what he meant. Stefan looks at her and turns back to the fire.

"How about you? How do you feel about the threat Klaus set on us?" Stefan asks, curious to what her answer is.

"For some reason, I'm not scared. I know he won't hurt me, no matter how many times he threatens me," Cora scoffs. Damon walks over to the living room, setting his luggage on the stair and walking towards his siblings.

"You hear from Klaus?" Damon asks.

"Not yet," Cora replies and turns around with Stefan.

"I'm sure we will soon though," Stefan says and grabs the white oak stake they have right now. "He's expecting us to deliver two stakes, we only have one."

"Well, that's gonna be disappointing for him," Damon says and stands with his siblings.

"I'll get it out of Alaric. I just need some time," Stefan states.

"I like that confidence, Stefan," Damon raises his eyebrows. "I don't share it, but I like it."

"You don't think I can do what it takes," Stefan looks at his hands.

"Well, you're good Stefan again and plus, we know Cora doesn't have the heart to do it," Damon pats her head and she scrunches her nose. "You're in control. Sorry, you might get the girl but you lose the edge. Speaking of..."

Just as Damon trails off, Elena comes walking to the front door with her coat and she stops to look at the three Salvatores.

"Have you ever flown first class?" Damon asks the doppelgänger.

"Who did you have to compel for that?" Elena asks teasingly but curious.

"Pfft, please," Damon scoffs. "I use miles."

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