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  |33.| DEMONS


TWO MEN HURRY THE PREGNANT WOMAN TO THE HOME THEY HAD. She groans in pain as the contractions has got closer and the pain is stronger. The woman looks up at the sky as she sees the full moon almost reach its apex and she grips onto the man's arm, wanting to deliver the baby quickly. One of the men's wife has them lie the pregnant woman down on the bed, preparing her to go into labor.

"The woman's water has yet to break, madam," the colored maid says frantically to the wife.

"I deeply apologize, Viviana, but we're waiting for your water to break," the wife looks at the woman and wipes away the sweat.

"You will deliver this baby, or so help me I'll assure you are homeless and you will lose all your fortune," Viviana glares at the wife who looks taken back. The wife looks at the maid and nods for her to continue on.

The maid lifts Viviana's dress to prepare to deliver her baby. One of them men sit on one side of her as the wife sits on the other. Viviana grips both of their hands as she follows the maid's directions, pushing whenever she is instructed to. She lays her head back and looks out of the window, watching as clouds passes the full moon. The man she feared the most threatened if she has yet left the area of his home by the time the full moon reached its apex, he will have her burned at stake.

Walking along outside of the cabin is Lilian holding her son's hand with a lantern in the other. She and her sister made a deal, which is as Viviana fled the town Lilian will take her child as her own. Lilian discussed a plan over with her sister knowing she will convince her man whore of a husband that she found a child and they will keep the child. The young boy slows his pace as he sees the silhouettes of the adults inside of the cabin frantically moving back and forth. Lilian notices his slow pace and she turns to him, crouching down to his height.

"Come, my child. Your brother or sister awaits us," Lilian pulls at his arm as they walk into the cabin.

She holds him in her arms and they both watch as the baby is delivered. The maid holds the child as its cries echo throughout the small room. Lilian watches as her sister holds her child for the first and last time. She slightly sighs and looks at Damon, giving him a small smile.

"Damon, meet you little sister," Lilian looks at Viviana and tilts her head. "What will be her name, sister?"

"Emilia. Her name is Emilia," Viviana gets entranced by the beauty of her daughter and wipes away the little bit of blood from her cheek.

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