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"So, what you're saying is that you're going on a date with Klaus," Jade asks as she sits on her friend's bed.  "Because he allowed Jeremy to kill one of his hybrids? Are you okay?"

"You know what, I did it to help Elena from her hallucinations and it worked," Cora points out and looks through her closet for a dress for the next day.

"I would much rather go on a date with the devil himself, and that's saying a lot," Jade leans back on the bed.

"It's not even that bad," Cora shakes her head. "It's just a simple date with a man I know a lot about."

"Ah, a man that you still have feelings for and I'm sure vice versa," Jade comments and earns a glare from Cora.

Without saying another word, Cora digs through her closet that's perfect for the Miss Mystic Falls event and the date itself. Cora pulls out a navy cocktail dress she likes and sets it off to the side so it's ready for tomorrow. Jade makes her exit as she leaves to choose a dress of her own since Cora asked her to join. The vampire's phone rings and she looks at the screen seeing it's Caroline so she answers.

"Care Bear, what a pleasure," Cora slightly smiles and sits on her bed.

"Cora, please tell me you're going to the Miss Mystic Falls unlike your little brother and praying to god your older brother isn't," Caroline says quickly. Normal Caroline.

"First off, yes I'm coming because I kind of have to since I'm from a Founding Family. Second, why isn't my little brother going? And third, what's the problem with Damon?" Cora asks.

"First, I'm very glad you're coming. Second, he and Elena broke up so he's sorta on edge and third, your older brother is the reason why they broke up," Caroline spills everything and Cora scrunches her eyebrows.

Now the Salvatore understands what Stefan is going through because he had hope for he and Elena, even Cora did. She gave him hope, telling him that she is the one and will always be the one, but turns out she's wrong. She knew Damon had some thing for her little brother's girlfriend, but she didn't think Elena would have a thing too.

"Knowing Stefan, he's a bit moody, am I right?" Cora places her hand on her forehead.

"Correct. Look, I don't like it anymore than he does because him and Elena are supposed to be soulmates. The last thing we need is someone like Damon screwing that up, no offense," Caroline rambles on about her opinion on the whole break up.

"None taken. I'll try to put some sense into the two," Cora shakes her head.

"Make it quick. You promised you would help me show off these people who know nothing of how to make a perfect pageant," Caroline says bitterly.

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