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EVEN WITH A PLAN SET FOR WHAT'S TO HAPPEN TO ELENA, Damon does not go through with it. Instead of letting Elena go by telling her to move on from him and leave, he does the opposite and lets her stay longer with him. The youngest Salvatore was oblivious to it, assuming that Damon had already done his part. However, with Cora, she knew Damon couldn't go through with it because he knows that she has her wrapped around his finger.

Cora sits on her bed and scrims through a photo album she had made with pictures of all the places she went to. Walking to check up on her, Damon goes to walk inside but stops at the doorframe, seeing the childish face she had as she observed all the pictures. A smile appears on his face as he remembers she would do the same exact thing when they were younger; look at the pictures the maids gave her, make sure every picture she drew or painted was perfect, and that every detail has its own purpose.

"You know, it's kinda creepy watching your sister," Jade whispers behind Damon and slightly smiles. "I find it adorable how overprotective you are of her."

"I grew up knowing I would always be over protective of her and Stefan, especially her because of what she went through and the things she doesn't know," Damon explains quietly as possible.

"Not to get into personal things, but will you ever mention the things she doesn't know?" Jade asks in a concerned tone.

"Maybe. I'm not sure myself."

In the forest where the Lockwood Cellar is, one of Klaus's hybrids Adrian walks inside to meet his friends Kimberly and Tyler are. An anger look covers his face and his hands are clenched in fists as he walks inside.

"I'm sick of taking his crap. I should rip his throat out. See if he can boss us around without a larynx," Adrian fumes, talking about Klaus.

"You won't have to take it much longer," Tyler assured him.

"You keep saying that, but here we are hiding, plotting a revolution that's never gonna happen," Kim throws her hands up in frustration. Walking inside the cellar is Hayley with Jason alongside her.

"Never say never and never say I don't pull through," Hayley smiles and looks at her brother. "We found the witch that's gonna save your lives."

"Are you serious?" Adriana asks with hope in his voice.

"We promised you guys we'd free you from Klaus. You did your part by breaking your sire bond, now Hayley and I are gonna do ours," Tyler nods as he looks at his friend.

He and Hayley were the ones to help Jason break the sire bond as they helped the other hybrids. Jason slightly smiles at the thought of them free of their sire bond, but he knows deep down inside they won't be free for long.

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