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 (Just imagine Caroline being Cora)

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(Just imagine Caroline being Cora)

|26.| OUR LAST

THE NEXT EARLY MORNING COMES AROUND. After the night happened between Cora and Klaus, they both fell asleep afterwards in her room. The two supernatural beings were waiting for something to happen between them and it finally did. Klaus's feelings for Cora sprung more while Cora herself is still in denial of hers for the hybrid because there's another interrupting her final decision.

Cora's eyes flutter open as the sun is beginning to rise as it is early in the morning. The vampire feels an arm draped around her waist and she looks to her side, smiling at the sight. Klaus sleeping peacefully with his face stuffed in one of her fluffy pillows and his arm secured around her body.

She slowly turns onto her side to get a better view of the man and she looks at his shoulder, noticing his beautifully done tattoo. Her hand rests on his cheek and she softly rubs her thumb over his cheek bone, taking in his calmed face and small pout in his lips as he softly breathed. Cora moves her hand to his back, softly scratching it and she places her lips onto his shoulder, placing a gentle kiss. Suddenly, at an abnormal speed, Klaus pins her against the bed and hovers over her.

"Good morning to you," Cora gasps and looks up at him.

"Good morning, love," Klaus slightly smiles, looking around her face.

Cora's smile turns into a smirk and she sits up from under him, connecting their lips. The hybrid reciprocated and loosens his grip around her wrists which he regretted. The vampire flips the two and instead pins him onto the bed, smirking as she pulls away from their kiss.

"Ah, well played," Klaus chuckles and admires the girl's control over him.

"Guess you did teach me a few things," Cora shrugs.

Klaus chuckles at her statement and sits up, allowing Cora to straddle him. She places her hands on both sides of his face and reconnects their lips, sharing a lustful kiss. He moved his hands to her hips, gripping them a bit as the kiss intensified.

The opening and closing outside of her door stops them and Cora quickly covers herself with the sheets in case one of her brothers do walk inside. She listens closely to hear one of her brother's footsteps getting closer and she lays Klaus down, covering him up as he faced his back towards the door. Cora grabs for her robe and quickly throws it on, seeing the door open with Damon peeking inside.

"Hey, kiddo," Damon says and notices another body next to her and he smirks. "Lemme guess."

"Don't even bother, Damon," Cora points at him and crosses her arms. "If anything, I should be asking about your time in Denver."

"Nothing serious happened," Damon says and doesn't continue on, which made it obvious to his sister that something did happen. "Okay, keep this between me and you. But, there may have been some kissing involved."

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