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THE NEXT MORNING IT WAS DISCOVERED that Damon had taken Elena all the way to New York in hopes of letting her no humanity time run. Stefan was not so happy about his brother not telling him where he would take her and he's not so happy that he lied about where their sister has been.

Cora gets up from the bed, quickly putting her clothes on not noticing Klaus watching her, but she can't feel his eyes in her. The hybrid raises his eyebrow, wondering why she never mentioned his staring and he slightly shrugs it off, propping himself up onto his elbows.

"Your little brother called. He's requested that I should go your family home," Klaus speaks up and Cora jumps at his voice. "Surprised you didn't notice that I was awake."

"Uh, yeah, wasn't really paying attention," Cora shrugs it off and looks back at him.

He lies there with the sheets covering half of his body from the waist down. Cora turns the other way, slightly smiling and she pulls on her shirt over her head. Klaus decided to get up finally and get dressed with her so that they can go to the Salvatore Boarding house.

The two make their way to the house in silence, Klaus keeping an eye out on the road and Cora staring out of her window. He glances over at her, noticing something different about her now that he can hear a thing he never heard before with a vampire: a beating heart. Cora's heart was beating like a human's and it threw the hybrid off, wondering why can you hear her beating heart when she's supposed to be dead?

They reach the home and they get out, Cora leading Klaus inside her home. Cora looks around the house to see the inside look like a tornado came inside. Her throat begins to dry and she softly touches it, looking at Klaus.

"I hope you can take care of yourself while I'm gone. And, don't piss someone off," Cora nods towards Caroline and Klaus huffs.

She slightly chuckles and walks down to the basement where they keep their supply of blood bags. Caroline is moving around the house picking up trash which is all from Elena's party. She finds a cup with alcohol in it and drinks the rest that was left inside, then tossing it into a bin. Klaus walks into the opening where he can see her and folds his hands behind his back.

"Desperate times, I take it?" Klaus teasingly smiles.

"What are you doing here?" Caroline doesn't bother looking at him.

"Not judging you, for starters, although if you are determined to get drunk, then perhaps I might recommend something a little more sanitary?" Klaus states. Caroline looks up at him, not breaking eye contact and she downs another cup, throwing it defiantly into the bin she has in hand.

"Well, then. You showed me," Klaus raises his eyebrows and Cora walks back upstairs, wiping away some blood from her lips.

"I told you not to piss her off," Cora walks over and crosses her arms.

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