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CORA SAT AT THE END OF THE SMALL HILL with her feet in the clear, cold water while Damon sat not too far from her. She stared at the water with a blank expression, but in the inside she was screaming, crying, wishing she were dead.

She woke up a little after Damon did and was fairly confused on how she was alive, until Emily admitted to her that Katherine spiked her drinks with her blood. The vampire hated the sister; how she always took her brothers away from the orphan girl, how she had a strong bond with them, and how they loved their sister dearly more than anyone. Katherine grew close with the Salvatore sister, knowing her wishes to find someone to love and have a family with them once they are married. So she crushed her dreams by spiking her wine and making sure she had some of her blood at least twice a day. Hoping one day she would die and eventually transition into a vampire.

Cora stares at the daylight ring Emily had created for her. Once she discovered it protected her from burning by the sun, Damon knew she wished she died and stay dead, just as he wished as well.

The sister finally stands up as Stefan brings a pail of water for the two brothers to wash their shirts. She looks to the side where Emily had brought her one of her dresses she could spare.

"I bet Johnathan Gilbert has told father by now," Stefan breaks the silence. "Wonder how he took the news that we're dead."

"As if he cares," Damon states. "He betrayed us."

"He thought he was protecting us, Damon. He thought he was protecting this town."

Stefan says as they attempt to wash the blood from their shirts. Cora walks far enough to change out of her bloody dress and into Emily's. She walks back towards her brothers and covers her eyes.

"This sun hurts my eyes," Cora winces.

"It's part of it. The muscle aches, the sick feeling," Stefan looks at his sister. "Emily says it's our bodies pushing us to feed, to complete the transition."

"That's not gonna happen," Damon says.

"Is that your choice, then? To die instead?" Stefan looks at his older brother.

"Isn't it yours? This was all to be with Katherine. But she's gone. I want it over."

"I wish I never had searched for you two," Cora states, sighing. "You two ended up like this because of one foolish girl. And I ended up like this because I care for my brothers so much."

"You should've just stayed home with father," Stefan says lowly.

"And let you die? I would never," Cora scoffs. "But if that is what you wished, then I'm sorry for caring too much."

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