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IT HAS BEEN A FEW DAYS SINCE THE EVENTS THAT OCCURRED WITH THE MIKAELSON FAMILY. Some of the Original siblings parted ways while Klaus and Rebekah still remain in the small town. The past few days, the Salvatore brothers have been stuck figuring out who has been attacking all of these founding families and leaving some dead. It turns out to be Alaric who has an alter ego, which is deadly not only to people around him but himself since he attempted to kill himself.

New faces come back to Mystic Falls, such as Sage, an old lover of Finn's. She made her appearance after hearing the rumors of the Original siblings finally undaggered, including Finn. Damon had to go through some things between her and Rebekah.

The Salvatore sister has started dreaming about the memories she had of her and Elijah, mainly remembering the happy times they have spent together before the night Klaus compelled her to forget. Still, Elijah has not left anything for Cora; no note, no location of where he's going, or reason of why he doesn't ask her to come along because that's what she wanted. So that she understands more of their past, so maybe they would rebuild the relationship they once had, but that's no longer an option now.

Cora has been spiraling because of the memories, which caused her to stay home majority of the time while her brothers faced other problems. The thoughts about Elijah, but also Klaus who captivated her mind, having this hunger for his presence. She only thinks about the hybrid to block out the true hunger for blood since the vampire has not had her fix of blood since the night of Esther and Finn's disappearance. As a ripper, she craves more and more, and unfortunately, she has no full control over the hunger.

Now that it's present day, Damon had filled his baby sister in on everything that he had discovered about the Wickery Bridge sign. The sign is made of a certain type of wood; white oak. The type that is capable of killing an Original, and there's more than enough to make plenty of stakes. So now she sits in Alaric's apartment with her brothers, helping them create the stakes.

"Have a great day, thanks for coming by," Damon says at the door to Elena who brought breakfast for Alaric.

He walks over with the food to where Alaric and Stefan are standing by a miter saw used to cut the Wickery Bridge sign. Cora listens for Elena to make sure she's out of the apartment complex.

"Walking down the stairs, opening the front door, and she's gone," Cora states and looks at Alaric.

The former vampire hunter turns the saw on and lowers the blade onto the sign, starting to trim it down. Afterwards, the four of them are sitting around creating white oak stakes out of the Wickery Bridge sign. Stefan picks up one of the stakes and looks at it.

"This needs to have a sharper point," Stefan hands the stake to his sister.

"I got it," Cora tilts her head and makes a sharp point as he said.

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