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THE SOUNDS OF FEET SHUFFLING AGAINST THE FLOOR, heavy breathing, and lips pressing against ones cold skin. His lips kiss around her neck, finding each sensitive spot, successfully earning moans from the girl. She places her hands on his shoulders, pushing his jacket over his shoulders and tossing it to the side. Once one article of clothing is removed, she moves onto the next and grabs the middle of his buttoned shirt, ripping it apart making the buttons pop out.

Next was her pieces of clothing, so he lifts the bottom of her shirt and pulls it over her head, tossing it on one side of the bed. He places his large hand onto her chest, pushing her onto the bed and her head spins as she looks up at the man, expecting to find Klaus's face but Jason's instead. Her eyebrows slightly scrunch as she is confused why she is thinking about the Original hybrid.

He leans down and attacks her neck, leaving marks from her neck to her collarbone, which drives her crazy. She moans louder and moves her hands down to his waist, grabbing ahold of his belt and quickly unbuckling it. Her eyes look back into eyes, imagining it as the man she once was in love with and allowing herself to believe it is him. The two reconnect their lips and removes every single piece of clothing, allowing the two bodies become one.


Cora's eyes shoot open and she sits up from her spot, noticing she's back in her own room. She keeps her bed sheets close to her body as she notices she isn't wearing anything. The vampire runs her fingers through her hair, confused how she ended up this way and she turns to her side to see Jason laying next to her, naked.

"Heard you two come in last night," Damon says from the doorway, which scares Cora. "More than friends, huh?"

"Shut up, Damon," Cora places her hand over her forehead in embarrassment. "Can you please just leave. I'm kinda not dressed."

"Yeah, yeah, well hurry up. We have some business to take care of," Damon says as he throws her robe at her face.

"Business? What now?" Cora groans as she pulls on the robe and ties it closed.

"You already know how Stefan stole from your boyfriend, Klaus," Damon starts off which earns him a death glare from his sister. "Anyways, I may or may not know where he's hiding the coffins."

"Where?" Cora asks as she stands from the bed, hugging herself. Damon shakes his head and points to Jason who is still sleeping. "Can't trust him. He's still one of Klaus's minions."

"Fine. Just give me five minutes," Cora pushes her brother out of the room and closes the door.

The Salvatore sister sighs in frustration and she turns to look at Jason, seeing he is still sound asleep. She slightly smiles and goes to her closet, grabbing some clothes and quickly getting dressed. She writes a note and places it on the nightstand next to Jason, and leaves him in her room.

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