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INSIDE OF THE SALVATORE HOUSE IS QUIET. Cora's eyes flutter open, her bright blue eyes slightly sensitive to the natural light outside. She slowly sits up from the bed she slept in and takes a look around the room, seeing that it is the exact same as it was before when her brother's first stayed here. A smile creeps on her face and she throws the covers over to the side, hopping out of bed and walking into her personal bathroom. Stripping out of the clothes she slept in and turning on the water, washing up a bit.

After her phenomenal, relaxing shower, she puts on some jeans along with a plain shirt, tucking it into her jeans. She applies some makeup, accepting the look she went with and she makes her way downstairs, seeing her older brother standing at the front door with Andie Star. Cora raises an eyebrow and shrugs it off.

"Have a good day, honey," Damon kisses the woman and she makes her way out of the home.

Standing now in front of Damon was Alaric, giving him a look as to question what was the whole deal with that. He lets his friend inside and walks in to the parlor with Cora following the two men.

"Uh, who's this? Not one of your 'girlfriends'," Alaric points towards Cora, earning a disgusted look from both of the siblings.

"Ew, no. I'm the better sibling and the only sister," Cora smiles and holds her hand out. "Cora Salvatore, pleasure to meet you."

"Alaric Saltzman," Ric chuckles and shakes the small hand.

Damon fake yawns and rolls his eyes, coming back to reality. His younger sister stands their with her arms crossed, not phased with his stubbornness. Finally getting to what Damon wanted to do, he unrolls the dagger from its protective cloth that John Gilbert gifted him.

"So, John Gilbert gave me this to kill Elijah," Damon holds the piece. "Said you have to dip the dagger in the remains of an old white ash tree that dates back to the Originals, if there's any truth in that."

"Does she have any idea what this all means? Who we're talking about," Ric nods towards the sister, taking the dagger from his friend.

"Yea, actually. Learned that Katherine has a doppelgänger named Elena, the Originals who I already knew about, blah blah blah other stuff, other stuff. So yea, I know the important stuff," Cora nods, walking towards them more. "So you think it's a setup?"

"It could be. Guy's a weasel. Wouldn't put anything past him," Damon turns around and head towards the bar. "What're you up to, Mr. Saltzman?"

"Well, Jenna and I were supposed to go to her family's lake house, but somehow, we both got roped into doing this Historical Society thing at the Lockwoods," Ric stands up and walks towards Damon and Cora.

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