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 (You should already know

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(You should already know..just picture it as Cora)


EVERYTHING THAT OCCURRED DURING THE NIGHT DROVE CORA CRAZY. She worried about her friend Evans who is no where to be found and she assumes he's dead because Klaus is. However, Stefan assured her that something isn't right concluding that he may not be dead. But the hybrid has yet to reply to her messages and calls which worried her more. To top everything off, Elena and Matt got into an accident that resulted in the doppelgänger dying with vampire blood in her system. Now, she's a vampire in transition. With everything happening all at once, she craved blood and that's what she wanted to get.

In the night, she hunted whoever was around and she drained their blood, sulking in the blood she craved for so long. She starved herself, trying to keep her hunger down with alcohol but now that she drained more than five people, the bloodlust won't go away easily. For hours Jade searched for her friend by using the trail of bodies she left for anyone to see. Little did she know, Jade wasn't the only one tracking her.

Closer to town, Cora holds a man's body close to her as she drains every ounce of blood he had to offer and she drops the body. Blood stained the collar of her shirt and dropped from her mouth as she takes a breather. The veins that popped out from under her eyes vanish as well as her bloodshot eyes.

Jade smells the blood from a distance and she groans, following the stench. As she walks closer she notices another's footsteps that was just ahead of her. Her eyebrows scrunch as she walks faster, seeing three officers follow Cora. Jade's eyes widen as she hides behind a tree, watching as he friend turn around with her eyes changing once again.

"I'm not mentally stable. Not a vampire you want to bother," Cora flashes her fangs and flashes towards one of the officers.

She bites into her neck, hearing her screams of pain and one of the other officers pull out a shot of vervain, stabbing it into her neck. Cora groans and steps back, pulling it out of her neck and her eyes start to get drozzy. The vampire collapses onto the floor and the third officer radios back to whoever is in charge that isn't Liz Forbes. Two of the officers carry her out of the woods and Jade slowly steps out, grabbing at her hair as she regrets not helping her friend. Now she's in the hands of the forces.

The blonde vampire speeds towards the direction of her home, spiraling as she's trying to figure out who she should call. She knows for a fact that Stefan and Damon are at Elena's house, helping her out and figuring out what she wants to do: transition or die. Jade paces around her living room, scrolling through her contacts and she stops scrolling seeing Jason's name pops up. She bites her lip, having a feeling he won't answer but she dials his number anyways while tapping her foot.

In the Lockwood Cellar sat Jason-Klaus on top of the coffin that contained his body. His phone starts to ring and looks at the screen, seeing Jade's name and he goes to decline until something stop. Thoughts ran through his mind; what if it's Cora? What if she's in trouble? He presses the green button and puts his phone up to his ear.

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