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THE CAR RIDE TO ONE OF THE PLACES CORA ENJOYED WAS TIRING. Klaus has driven in silence the whole way their while Cora slept peacefully as she was drained from the previous day. The memory Klaus had given her made the girl feel happy for some reason, but also in her mind confused. Not once before did she remember ever meeting the Original hybrid in Chicago, but that's the beauty of compulsion.

Klaus stops the car and glances over at Cora as he hears her soft breathing. Right on cue the girl wakes up and looks around, seeing that they're not in the mountains anymore. The duo gets out of the car and Klaus smiles at the city.

"Welcome back to Chicago, Cora," Klaus holds his arms out as if he is presenting it.

"What're we doing here?" Cora looks at the city and it's glory.

"I know how much you loved it here. Bringing back memories of the good old ripper days?"

"Wasn't in my right state of mind, that's for sure. Wouldn't necessarily call me a ripper when Stefan literally blacked out during most of them," Cora crosses her arms.

"Well, that is a crying shame," Klaus places a hand on her lower back. "The details are what make it legend. Chicago was magical."

"Well, sucks that I don't remember most of it. I'll just have to take your word for it," Cora looks at him.

"Going to get down to business, then?"

"Hold on, why am I still with you?" Cora steps away. "We had our fun, your hybrids failed. Wouldn't it be great to like move on?"

"We're going to see my favorite witch. If anyone can help us with our hybrid problem, it's her."

Back home in Mystic Falls, Damon had found out where his little sister is currently, reporting it to Stefan and Elena, who stayed at her house overnight. The older brother picks up his little brother and the girl he is in love with, heading towards Chicago to hopefully talk some sense into Cora. However, Stefan is a little iffy on heading towards the city since during his ripper days, he had a reputation there as well.

Klaus and Cora walk into the bar where they had spent time together with Stefan and the Original's sister. The girl looks around Gloria's Bar, not remembering much, only the times where she tricked guys into leaving the bar and simply killing them once she has them.

"Looks familiar, doesn't it?" Klaus slightly smiles at the girl.

"Didn't think this place was still standing," Cora sees chairs placed on the tables since the bar isn't open.

"You got to be kidding me."

The Salvatore turns around to see an older looking woman with short hair walk out from the back. Klaus smiles as he hears her voice and turns around, standing next to his partner.

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