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EVERYTHING SEEMS TO BE HITTING CORA TOO QUICKLY. The girl is now stood in the same room as her two ex-lovers who happen to be brothers and are at a bit of a tension between each other. Elijah was the one man she wanted to speak to so that she has an idea of what they had and what had happened between the years that were taken from her by his little brother.

"You look surprised to see me," Elijah says towards Klaus while wiping his bloody hand with a cloth. "I guess it wasn't you that removed the dagger from my chest."

"You look like you could do with a drink," Klaus tries to ease his way through. "And we have a lot to discuss, so shall we?"

Klaus holds his arm out for Elijah, but he throws the cloth onto the ground and throws a punch at his brother. Cora speeds backwards so that she's out of the way of the brothers's fight. Elijah punches Klaus powerfully that it sends him through the double doors and shattering the glass.

"Easy!" Klaus growls as he catches himself. "I just finished renovating!"

The little brother speeds towards Elijah and slams him against the coffee table, breaking the whole thing. Cora's eyes widen as Elijah lies there trying to gather himself and Klaus stands tall while huffing.

"You know, you have every right to be mad at me, but I kept my word," Klaus lifts his arms up. "I reunited you with our family."

Elijah slowly gets onto one knee then striking Klaus again, handing him a few punches then he throws one more, sending him to hit one of the coffins. Cora stands there powerless, knowing it's a bad idea to get in between a fight between two Original vampires because things can get ugly.

Before Elijah can go in for another punch, Klaus quickly opens one of the caskets, revealing their younger brother and he pulls out his dagger, threatening Elijah with it and pressing him against the other coffin.

"Don't make me do this to you again, Elijah!" Klaus holds the dagger up.

"Klaus!" Cora yells at him, wanting him to stop but frightened he may use it on her.

"Come on. Use it. I dare you," Elijah tests his brother. "You'll have Kol to deal with."

Klaus keeps his hardened facial expression and slowly lowers the dagger from his brother.

"Mikael is dead," he says out of the blue.

"What did you say?" Elijah asks, sitting up from where he was pushed against.

"I killed him. With his own weapon. He's gone, Elijah, forever," Klaus clarifies.

"Why so our family remain in these coffins?" Elijah asks, pointing to them. "Finn for over 900 years, Kol for over a century."

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