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THE GIRL DRESSES UP FOR HER ANNIVERSARY WITH THE MAN SHE HAS BEEN WITH FOR TWO YEARS. She finds her best dress for this special occasion and pairs the outfit with beautiful heels, expensive jewelry, and the best looking makeup that makes her blue eyes pop. She steps in front of a body mirror, taking a look at her appearance and smiling at the results.

"You look ravishing," the well groomed man appears behind her and she looks into the mirror, smiling at him.

"And you look handsome," she turns around and pecks his lips. "Glad you can make it before our reservations."

"Of course," the man smiles, holding his arm out for her.

The business he had to take care of before had to do with his younger brother who had threatened his life. The troubled younger brother envies Elijah, reason being he once years ago, had his hands on the lovely woman his older brother has a grasp on now; for two years to be exact. Now that he is close, it is his chance to get her back, although that's not his true intentions at this moment.

The lovely couple leave their home and off to the restaurant they have reservations at. Elijah opens the passenger side door for Cora, holding her hand and smiling at her. Without her noticing, he glances over to see someone standing in the shadows but quickly leave at the speed of light. The man lets out a quiet sigh, unsure of what his brother's plans are.

He drives his date to the restaurant and helps her out of the car, then allowing her arm to link with his. Elijah holds his head up straight, mainly to scout his surroundings to make sure he's not caught by surprise by one of his brother's bribed men or himself. Cora places her small hand onto his bicep and glances up, noticing his defensive face.

"Hey, what's wrong," Cora asks softly, intertwining her fingers with his.

"Nothing, my love," Elijah gives a reassuring smile. "There's nothing to worry about. You have my word."

Cora smiles at his promise and she nods, walking inside the building as a man that's standing outside opens the door for the couple. They both take their seats at a booth, watching as waiters come by with a wide variety of drinks they offer. As Cora chooses the bottle of her choice, Elijah inhales deeply while looking around, expecting something out of the ordinary. In the corner of his eye stood his little brother, stood off to the side with a calmed look, which concerned Elijah even more because he knew Klaus is up to something.

"I'm deeply sorry, Cora, but something has caught my attention," Elijah says while standing up. "It will only be a few minutes."

Cora opens her mouth to say something, but Elijah already had his back turned, walking out of the entrance of the restaurant. She sighs sadly, but orders something while he is gone. Klaus slightly smirks as he got his brother out of the building and he follows him out.

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