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THE NEXT MORNING ALL WHO LAYS UNDER THE BOARDING HOUSE ROOF was Cora and Damon. Stefan had been quite busy with a certain someone, Rebekah, and had a very intimate moment with her. As for Cora, she was sleepless since a lot has been on her mind especially the thought of telling her brothers about this cure.

She has the cure literally in the palm of her hand, but she knows that everyone else would do anything to get the cure and shove it down Elena's throat. Elena did not ask for this life of a vampire and it completely changed her in some ways, but that doesn't mean anyone who transitioned into a vampire hasn't. Cora decides not to tell any of them about the cure she got from a New Orleans witch and she will take it on her own time.

Cora sits up from her bed and sighs in frustration since she didn't get any sleep. She gets out of bed and gets dressed for the day, wondering what everyone else is up to since she was in New Orleans for a day. A knock comes from downstairs and she speeds downstairs, wondering who would even bother to knock. She opens the door and there stood the friend she has a love-hate relationship with.

"Cora," Jason looks at her with pleading eyes.

"What do you want?" Cora asks and remains standing at the front of the door, not letting him in.

"Disclaimer: it was not my choice to come here, like at all. Hayley sent me over," Jason starts off and Cora rolls her eyes.

"So, your girlfriend is telling you what to do? That's nice," Cora goes to close the door but Jason stops her from shutting it in his face.

"Listen to me, Cora," Jason says and looks at her. "Hayley isn't who you think she is. She's my sister."

The two end up in the living room of the boarding house, Jason sitting on the couch while Cora slowly walks back and forth in front of the fireplace. Jason taps his foot nervously as her pacing makes him anxious and he sighs.

"Please, say something," Jason says and Cora stops.

"Why didn't you call back or text me? I was so worried about you which turned out to be pointless because you were here!" Cora raises her voice and bites her nails.

"Hayley and Tyler forbid me from messaging anyone, including you, Cora," Jason says as he has her attention. "Please understand that I wanted to tell you where I was and make sure you knew I was okay. That whole time I was worried about you because I heard about your ripper side nearly coming out."

"I know how to control it, Jason," Cora snaps unexpectedly. Jason stands up and grabs both of her arms.

"You and I both know you have trouble controlling it," Jason looks at her.

They both look at each other and at that moment Cora wanted to collapse. Cora slowly lowers her head, hating how much he actually knew about her. Jason sighs and pulls her into a hug, which she didn't mind and she rested her head on his chest, taking a few deep breathes. The cure popped into her mind and all she thought was the amount of weight that will be lifted from her shoulders once she takes it.

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