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KLAUS ONLY MADE THE NIGHT WORSE FOR THE NEW VAMPIRE HUNTER. He believes his way of handling his vampire killing problem will help solve it. However, Jeremy refuses to kill innocents but Klaus doesn't care. To ignore Jeremy's wants, he turns a lot of people in a bar into vampires and insists the Gilbert to kill them or else he has to face a consequence. That being the vampires will be compelled to attempt to kill Matt.

While all of this is happening, Cora decided to figure out who is this unknown person texting her of all people about Victor, Jade's boyfriend. Before Klaus's mini destruction, Cora left to back home so she could get ready to travel to a different state into a different but familiar city. New Orleans.

It takes hours for her to arrive to the destination and by the time she made it into the city, it is the following morning. Cora takes a taxi to the busy streets of Nola and gets out, squeezing her way through the people who are enjoying their stay. She stops at a corner where there is a bar and she texts the unknown number that she has arrived. Not to long after she sent the message, they replied: go inside Rousseau's. She looks up at the sign that hung above her head and there was the bar, so she walked inside to meet the anonymous person.

Inside of the bar in  was some people getting day drunk or enjoying a nice meal. Cora looks around the place, admiring it and she hears a slight wince, looking over where the kitchen is. One of the worker's cut herself from slicing something and a good amount of blood starts trickling. The stench of blood reels in Cora's hunger and her breathing starts getting heavier. Veins slowly pop out from under her eyes until someone interrupts her.


The Salvatore's head whips towards the voice, seeing the woman she had seen the night where her and her brothers learned more on why Elena grew so fond over Damon. Cora calms herself down and she walks over towards the woman, confused as to why she's here and what she wants with her.

"I'm glad you made it," the woman smiles and holds her hand out. "My name is Viviana."


"What the hell were you thinking?" Elena gets up from where she helped clean Matt's wound. "All I asked you to do was to teach him how to fight."

"He's not the best student in the world," Damon keeps the tension off him somehow.

"Wait. Now this is my fault?" Jermey gets offended by his comment.

"Stop talking," Damon rolls his eyes and looks at Elena. "Look, I know you're angry, but my way was the easiest, fastest, and safest way to complete his mark to get you the cure. Plus, Cora was there to make sure that I didn't go General Sergeant on them."

"Well, where is she now?" Elena crosses her arms and Damon slowly crosses his.

"You see, I may or may not have kept tabs on my little sister, like at all," Damon tries to ease his way through. Elena goes to yell at him again but then shakes her head.

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