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THE NIGHT ENDED AND THERE WAS SOME TENSION BETWEEN DAMON AND ELENA WHO HAD AN INTENSE MOMENT AT A FRAT PARTY. Stefan and Cora are now responsible for keeping a secret from all of their friends including their older brother who has no idea what he's missing. Last night, Klaus told the young Salvatore that he and Cora need to keep the information they know to themselves and don't bother trying to tell anyone.

Cora stares up at the deep ceiling of her room as she lays under the covers of her bed, in deep thought. There's a cure for vampirism and that's something she imagined for over a century of living as a vampire. The ability to start a family was stripped away from her and she was plagued with the hunger of blood which she hates about herself since she is a ripper. Now there's a chance for her to get what she wants: be able to have a human life and have her own family.

Her phone on the nightstand next to her bed buzzes and she sits up, grabbing it. Klaus's name appears on her lock screen and she slides the messages: we have a problem. The girl gets dressed, knowing she'll need to do something for him and she calls the hybrid.

"Hello, love," Klaus answers the phone as he stood in the excavation dig site in Italy.

"Don't hello, love me," Cora crosses her arms and tries to keep quiet. "Nothing like waking up to problems early in the morning. What is it now, Nik?"

"According to the hybrid I left on guard of the hunter, he has escaped," Klaus sighs and Cora face palms.

"What do you mean—How the hell did Connor escape?" Cora asks as she walks down the hall and up the stairs to Stefan's room.

"I'd blame my numbing incompetence, but pointing fingers isn't going to help me, you and your brother are going to help me," Klaus says.

Cora walks to Stefan's desk, closing his journal and telling him to listen. The young Salvatore gives her a look and she points at him to have him not start anything with her at the moment.

"He could be anywhere, Klaus," Cora says as she sits on Stefan's desk.

"Think, Cora. He took the hybrid's head which means he wants werewolf toxin."

"Which means he plans to stay in Mystic Falls to kill vampires," Stefan speaks up and Cora gives him a slight nod.

"Which is a pity, as I'm half the world away digging up a dead hunter, you'll have no access to my blood and therefore, the antidote. Nevertheless, his tattoo is our only map to the cure, so your task is quite simple; find him, catch him, and above all, keep him alive. He's no good to us dead," Klaus explains.

"Damon's been looking everywhere for him, if they cross paths—" Stefan points out but Klaus cuts him off.

"You'll need to keep Damon in check," Klaus instructs.

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