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CORA STANDS UNDER THE WARM WATER SPRINKLING DOWN HER BACK LOST IN THOUGHT. It truly was a blessing that she escaped Alaric alive and now she's home, allowing herself to rest after a long morning and afternoon of torture. Although she is worried about her brothers and friends; did they make it out alive? Did they take down mad man Alaric? If so, what is Klaus going to do?

The girl steps out of the shower and wraps a towel around her body, taking a seat on her bed and stares at the painting that hung over her fireplace. A soft knocks interrupts her staring contest with the flames and she hurried into her closet, allowing whoever is on the other side of the door to come in.

"Well, it's good to hear your voice and know that you're okay," Jade walks into the Salvatore's room and chuckles, seeing Cora's head peek out of the closet door.

"And it's good to know that you still care," Cora quickly gets dressed behind her closet door and walks out from behind it. "What're you doing here anyways?"

"Came to check on you since you've went through a lot for who knows how long," Jade tries to ignore the fact that her friend doesn't know.

Before Jade left to check on her best friend, she received a text from Evans telling her that he's helping the Salvatore brothers deliver Klaus's body to the Atlantic. She and Evans knows Cora won't take the news easily since she does have a thing for the hybrid, so Evans made the blonde best friend promise him she would watch over her, and she promised him.

"Yeah," Cora mumbles and shakes her head, standing up. "Are my brothers home? They made it out of there okay, right? And Klaus?"

"Hey, calm down. They're all fine. Right now you should just stay home and worry about your own health," Jade steps in front of her and grabs each of her arms.

"Jade, I'm a vampire. I heal pretty damn fast and I'm fine," Cora shakes her head and grabs her jacket.

Cora receives a message from Caroline telling her about bringing Elena back from the hospital and that she would explain when she gets there. She closes her phone and stuffs it in the back pocket of her jeans.

"You're not leaving, Cora," Jade gives her a look.

"I'm fine, Jade. I don't need a babysitter when my friend is currently getting discharged from the hospital. My priority right now is making sure she's okay," Cora states and grabs her keys, leaving a defeated Jade.

The blonde vampire huffs in frustration and pulls out her phone, texting Evans that she failed to keep Cora in the boarding house. Now the only thing she can do is try her best to keep the others from revealing the reason why her brothers are currently not at home and Klaus hasn't contacted Cora to inform her that he's okay.

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