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"Mike! Run!" El shouted as Mike looked at her, confused. A low growl came from deep in the forest, causing Mike's eyes to go wide. "Mike, please ru-"

El screamed as Mike was suddenly pulled into the dark forest. El began to run after him, yelling his name. Tears ran down her face as she screamed, "I can't lose you!"

El stopped abruptly and gasped. Her boyfriend was lying on the ground, nearly unconscious. A dark shadow stood over him and a clawed 'hand' dug into Mike's chest as he yelled. His shirt was tattered and bloody, his skin pale and his eyes began to close. He muttered her name, then yelled again and she ran over to him.

El raised her hand and pushed the 'shadow' back. 'It' hissed and disappeared into the overgrown trees. She wiped the blood from under her nose as rain began to fall, and the water mixed in with the heavy tears streaming down her face. She knelt next to her boyfriend, and pressed her hand against his cheek.

"Why... Didn't you.. Stop 'It' faster... El...?" Mike gasped. Dark blood stained his shirt and his breathing was heavy. "Were you... Trying to kill me...?"

"No! I would never t-try to kill you! I l-love you Mike!"

"If you loved me... You would have... Tried save me sooner.... You... Betrayed... Me..." Mike's eyes began to flutter closed. "This is... Your fault... You... Killed... Me... Eleven... I hate yo-" His voice went quiet and his head fell to the side.

El began to sob. She pressed her forehead against his. "No!' El screamed. "I love you. P-please dont leave me!'

Mike's words echoed in her head, 'This is your fault. You killed me..."

El screamed his name over and over again. Heavy rain poured down and she buried her face in her hands. 'MIKE! MIKE!! I'M SORRY!!'

"El! EL! Wake up!!" Mike shouted, shaking her. El sat up, her eyes wide. Tears streamed down her face, her body shaking slightly.

Mike immediately wrapped his arms around her, and she buried her face in his chest and sobbed. He rubbed her back softly, and whispered, "Shh, El im right here. I"m right here. You're okay, we are both safe. You're okay."

El continued to cry, her body shook slightly, as she mumbled, "I th-thought I l-lost y-y-you..."

Mike couldn't help it, but he teared up and hugged her tighter. He pressed his lips against her head, and closed  his eyes.

The voice echoed in El's head, 'You killed me Eleven. I hate you...'

Mike held her close, trying to calm her down. El's sobs eventually turned into soft crying. Her heart and chest racked with pain at the thought Mike dying.

Mike looked at her and said quietly, "E-El are you okay? You... had a nightmare, didn't you?"

El nodded slightly and he kissed her forehead. She took a deep breathe and whispered, "I killed y-you, in my nightmare. Y-you said you hated m-me. Y-you said I was t-the reason why you died." Mike's eyes went wide and the moment of Mike dying replayed in her head. She shut her eyes and continued, "Y-You told me, I-I-I betrayed you. I-It was my f-fault. You said that I didnt love you. You said-"

El was cut off by Mike's lips against hers. Mike kissed her hard, his hand on her jaw and El lightly placed her hand on his chest. They both had tears running down their faces as they pulled away slightly. Their hands remained in the same position.

"I. Love. You." Mike said, wiping away the tears on El's cheeks. "I-i would never say those things to you, Eleven. If I die-"

"Mike... P-please dont say that." El whispered.

Mike ignored her request and continued, "If I die, it will be from protecting you. I won't let a-anything bad happen to you. I-I promise."

El smiled a bit, and wrapped her arms around his torso, her eyes closed. "I love you too" She whispered. Mike smiled and wrapped his arms around her. He looked over at the clock on his nightstand. 3:53am

"El.. Lets get some sleep..." Mike mumbled.

"N-No. No sleep. I-I dont want nightmares." El said, fear filled her voice.

"I won't let anything happen, El. I'll keep you safe. Please, lets just try to sleep."

El sighed and laid down next to him, resting her head on his chest. Her eyes remained open and scanned the room.

Mike noticed her discomfort and ran his fingers through her curly hair. A shiver ran down her spine as she smiled a little bit. He continued to play with her hair and pulled the blanket tighter around them. Her eyes flutter closed and she moved closer to him. Mike pressed a soft kiss against her head and closed his eyes. Eventually El fell asleep with a small smile on her face.

No nightmares disrubted her; only dreams. Dreams about her and Mike... Going on dates, watching movies, hanging out with the rest of the party, going to school together. Dreams about El and Mike together. And those were the dreams that El prefered.

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