Sick in Love

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{Definition} Sick in Love: When someone is so in love that it's a disease and you need the person you love in your life and you can't live with them. Side effects: head spinning, knees weak, intense butterflies in stomach.

(Age 14)

El stirred and woke up one morning to see the bright light streaming in through the window. She looked down slightly and saw that Mike's arms were wrapped around her tightly; almost as if he was afraid of loosing her again. His midnight-black hair was messy and his breathing was soft.

She felt a "spark" in her stomach as he mumbled 2 simple words, "Morning El..."

"Good morning..." She replied and buried her face in his chest.

"Did you sleep okay?" Mike asked softly, and she nodded. He began playing with El's curly hair and the "spark" in her stomach grew slightly. "Do you want some eggos?"

"Yes please..." She mumbled.

Mike put his fingers under her chin, making her look up at him. "You don't need to say 'please', El..." He smiled slightly and El felt her heart flutter as he pressed a soft kiss against her head.

She smiled and sat up, turning away before he could see the red tint on her cheeks. Mike had a way of making her heart flutter, her head spin, her knees weak and her stomach sparky. She could never identify the feeling that she felt with Mike; he made her feel sick.

They both got up and changed, then went downstairs. El sat on the counter while Mike looked through the freezer for a box of Eggos. She played with the blue hair band on her wrist while he put a few Eggos in the toaster.

El didn't notice Mike walk over to her and stand between her dangling legs. He placed his hands a little bit above her knees and a shiver ran down her spine. She looked at him and blushed slightly as he wrapped his arms around her waist with a smirk on his face.

The spark in her stomach grew intensely and her head started spinning as he brushed a strand of hair out of her face.

Mike leaned in until their lips were an inch apart, and she felt her stomach and heart flutter... But as they were about to kiss, Nancy suddenly walked down the stairs as Mike pulled away quickly, his cheeks red. The "sick" feeling in El still lingered as they sat down and began eating their Eggos.

~A little while later...~

Mike and El decided to go for a bike ride around the neighborhood. She had her arms wrapped around his waist and her head rested on his shoulder.

Mike loved El with all his heart, but never had the courage to tell her he loved her. From what Mike knew, El didn't know what 'love' was.

"El can i show you something?" He asked.

"Sure..." She replied and she pressed a kiss against his neck.

He continued to ride his bike until her turned off the road to a path. Her eyes lit up when she realized where they were. The Lake.

He stopped the bike and led her to the grass and sat down next to her. El rested her head on his shoulder as Mike fake-yawned and wrapped his arm around her. She giggled and moved closer to him, snuggling into his chest.

"You okay...?" Mike asked softly as she closed her eyes.

"I'm better than "okay", Mike... I love being with you..." El mumbled and she reached up and kissed his cheek.

Mike smiled and blushed slightly as he felt butterflies in his stomach; only El could make him feel that way.

She pulled away slightly and looked into his dark eyes and immediately got lost in them. Mike's hand moved from her back to her waist as he pulled her close, looking at her lips quickly.

El felt a slight burning feeling in her heart as he leaned in. She subconsciously leaned in until their lips were a few inches apart. His hand rested on her waist as her hand rested on his chest, a bit above his heart. She quickly saw the smirk forming on Mike's face before he kissed her.

She immediately kissed back, and she wrapped her arms around his neck. El felt like her stomach and heart were going to explode. She still couldn't identify the feeling that she felt whenever Mike kissed her or hugged her or held her hand or even talked to her.

They kissed for a minute before pulling away;both of them blushing and their hands in the same positions.

"Mike..." El said softly. "Why do you make me feel... weird?"

"What..?" He asked, confused.

"Every time you... Kiss me or hug me or just be with me, my stomach feels weird or my heart starts beating fast and my knees feel weak. A-am I sick, Mike?"

"No, no... Well, I guess... Kind of... It's sounds like you're Sick in Love, like me." He said with a smirk on his face.

"Sick in Love?"

"Y-yeah... it's means that you are in love with someone. They can make you feel weird, like you were saying..." He lowered his voice and started talking quickly. "That person is always on your mind... you miss them when they aren't around... and you would do anything for them... that's um, kinda what love is..."

El nodded and whispered, "I think I'm uh, sick in love with you, Mike."

Mike smiled and put his hand on her cheek. "El, I know that I'm sick in love with you. You make me feel the same way. And when people are in love, they usually say "I love you..."

"I-I love you." She whispered suddenly, and smiled.

Mike wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead. "Jeez El, you don't how long I've wanted to say this... I love you too..."

It was offical; Mike and El were Sick... Sick in Love, with each other.


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