Red and Purple [S]

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Finally going to give you another spice oneshot that seems quite fitted for season 3

(Age 15/16)

"Shh be quiet." El giggled between kisses, moving closer to her boyfriend from where she sat on the bed. "I don't want to get caught again."

Mike grinned against her lips, glancing at the bedroom door before pulling El onto his lap. "I can't help it," he replied softly between kisses. "I love your kisses too much." As Mike deepened their kisses more, El couldn't help but give in and begin to relax. Raising her hand, she flicked her wrist which allowed for the bedroom door to close the remaining three inches and lock slowly. "Much better," he mumbled, placing his hand at her waist gently. 

She giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck, making herself comfortable in his arms. Mike, taking advantage of their privacy, gently laid her down on the bed, shifting to hover over her. His lips locked with hers again, one hand moving to rest on her waist while her arms remained wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer.

"More," she mumbled, leaning up slightly to deepen the kiss more, the amazing feeling making her instantly smile into the kiss. He placed a hand on the back of her head to gently tangle his fingers in her dark hair.

"More kisses?" Mike asked gently, badly wanting to try something new but wouldn't unless he knew she would be comfortable with it... and would have enough makeup for later. His cheeks turned red at the thought, unable to stop the smile that crossed his face. 

El nodded in reply, kissing him until her head felt dizzy and needed a break for air. He broke the kiss, smiling down at her and giving them a moment to breathe, though he badly wanted her lips on hers again immediately.  She nodded again a moment later, letting Mike crash his lips onto hers again deeply.

She ran her fingers through his hair, almost eagerly returning the deep and loving kisses Mike gave her. Mike quickly deepened their kiss more, the feeling of her lips overwhelmingly good. He let his hands slide up her sides, making her breath hitch and a shiver run through her. Their worry of being caught quickly disappeared as they fell into a world that involved only them, and nothing further than El's bedroom. 

Mike gently cupped her face, smiling against her lips. "Can I try something?" he mumbled against her lips, pulling away some to look down at her. 

El looked up at him with a glassy and dazed look in her eyes, her lips parted slightly. "Yes." She trusted him easily and without hesitation, nodding slightly up at him. He nodded and leaned down, starting to press soft kisses to her jaw then her neck. She gasped and closed her eyes slowly, relaxing into his touch. "Mike," she whispered, her eyes closing, "that feels nice."

"Good," he replied, hesitating a moment before going a step further. He gently began to leave a hickey on her neck, making her gasp louder and tilt her head back in instinct. He left a red mark on her neck, looking up for her reaction. "Is that okay?"

She nodded, her eyes closed and her head tilted back. "Feels really good." Her cheeks turned red as she met his eyes, "More please."

"More?" He smirked softly, leaving a purple hickey near her collarbone, completely forgetting the risk of doing this with Hopper so close by.

She nodded, her cheeks bright red. El was clearly enjoying what he was doing to her, though she wasn't exactly sure why it felt so good. Mike was enjoying it too, watching how her breath would hitch and light moans or whimpers that would escape her lips.

She tilted her head back and closed her eyes as she bit her lip. Mike's hands slipped under her t-shirt and tugged it up ever so slightly. He ran his hands down her sides causing a shiver to run down her spine. His hands rested on her waistband, his fingers rubbing her waist softly.

"Mike..." She moaned softly, her fingers tangled in his hair, "that feels really good." Her voice was barely audible but her words pushed him to continue.

He smirked and sucked on her neck gently, leaving red marks along her neck and collarbone. She bit down on her lip hard, trying to stifle a moan. She could feel his smug smile against her neck but could care less, completely lost in the pleasure she felt.

Moments later, he pulled away, making a pout form on El's lips. He looked at her neck, grinning at the few red and purple hickeys that covered her skin. His eyes locked with hers, pressing a gentle kiss to her lips. "Did I hurt you?"

El smiled and shook her head, her mind a little hazy from what had happened, but a relaxed, dazed smile crossed her face. "Felt really good," she replied, leaning up to nuzzle her head into his shoulder. 

Mike smirked softly, kissing her head and glancing at the marks he had left on her, somewhat proud of his work.


"Mike, El, come play!" Dustin shouted from where he, Will, Max and Lucas were attempting to play volleyball during the hot summer day.

"Too tired," El replied, fanning her face with her hand as she leaned against Mike tiredly. After the events that occurred in El's bedroom the day before, she had covered her neck with makeup to conceal her hickeys from the others after Mike had told her to before he had left.

"It's way too hot, I don't want to burn today." Mike sighed, wrapped an arm around El as they sat on the grass together.

A little later, the rest of the party came to join them in the shade, the heat clearly beginning to effect everyone. It was one of the hottest days in the year, and it was much worse to be inside a house than outside. Everyone laid back in the shade, trying not to let the heat get to them though everyone was sweating.

Max looked over at El, doing a double take and smirking while she took a sip of her water. "So El, what did you and Mike do yesterday?"

El looked over at Max, "Nothing really," she replied, fanning her sweaty face with her hand.

"You sure you guys didn't do anything?" Lucas asked, looking between Mike and El, a light smirk on his lips.

"What are you implying Lucas?" Mike sighed, his arm wrapped around El, letting her rest her head on his arm comfortably.

"Nice hickeys El." Dustin smirked, looking at El's neck then looking at the others.

Her eyes widened slightly as she looked at Mike. It was so hot out that the makeup she had put on her neck to cover the hickeys had melted off her skin, letting the red and purple marks Mike had given her the day before be visible to everyone.

Mike's cheeks turned slightly red as he looked at El's neck, holding back a groan of annoyance. Max and Lucas began laughing, playfully teasing Mike and El while El buried her head in Mike's shoulder from embarrassment. 

"I don't like the word hickey," she mumbled to Mike, "I like 'love marks' more."

The hottest day of the year just had to be the day after he had given her hickeys; just Mike's luck.

I had fun writing this one actually. I hope season 4 will explore into the more intimate part of Mike's and El's relationship -just a little bit. Hope you enjoyed.

ALSO: My book based on Lilia Buckingham and Asher Angel called Partners in Crime will be published tomorrow (November 10) 

(It'll be a good book, I swear)

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