The Blanket Fort [S]

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(Age 15/16)

The blanket fort in Mike's basement had many uses over the years. The old desk with the blankets over it had remained standing, Mike occasionally switching out the old blankets for cleaner ones. In 1983, it had been used as a hiding place for El. But in 1985, let's just say it had a much different purpose now. 


Mike waited impatiently for El to get to his house, assuming Hopper had something to do with her being late. Hopper was always so hesitant to let her go to his house, though they were both "responsible" teenagers. He began to pace around the basement, coming up with ideas for what he and El could do once she finally showed up. Movies and cuddles were always an option, so were boardgames and just staring at each other. Occasionally they made out behind the blankets of the fort with the basement door shut and locked.

Mike was pretty sure he had an addiction to El's kisses. To him, she felt like a drug with her soft lips and gentle and loving kisses that took his breath away each and every time. Mike would kiss her all day if he could, and if Hopper weren't there with his stupid "keep-the-door-open-three-inches" bullsh-

"Mike!" El grinned, running down the stairs. Mike turned, his eyes lighting up and a grin forming on her face.

Mike pulled her close, kissing her head gently. "There you are. I was wondering if you were going to show up or if Hopper would keep you captive in the car," he said.

El giggled, nuzzling her head into his chest. Her hand found his, their fingers intertwining immediately upon contact. She looked up at him with a smile. "He tried to." She laughed softly, making Mike's heart skip a beat. "I got away."

"I'm glad you did." He held her close, a grin on his face. "I missed you."

"I missed you too," she replied happily. She looked up at him, resting her chin on his chest and looking into his eyes with a slight pout on her lips.

"What?" he asked gently, his eyes falling to her pouty lips and Mike's cheeks flushed pink at her loving gaze.

She stood on her toes, gently locking her lips with his. He smiled, gladly returning the kiss. He brought his left hand up to cup her cheek, leaving his other hand at her waist as a wave of calmness fell over him. El's kisses became a little deeper. Mike's face flushed pink as he slowly broke the kiss, glancing up at the basement door, making sure it was locked.

El pouted. "Why did you stop?"

"I was just making sure no one would bother us," he replied, his voice slipping into a lower tone as he brought her to the blanket fort. Laying down, Mike held out his hand, letting El crawl into the fort and relax comfortably into his arms. "More kisses?"

She nodded, biting her lower lip. To Mike, that was one of the hottest things he had seen though she had subconsciously done it.

Her lips instantly found his again, a soft sigh escaping her lips at his touch. His hand fell to her cheek, tucking a strand of her soft hair behind her ear. A shiver ran down her spine at his touch, immediately shifting as close as possible to him in the small space they laid in. Her kisses became eager, a hand falling to his shoulder and the other to his jaw.

Mike broke the kiss after a few minutes, desperately needing to catch his breath a moment before he went back for more kisses. She slowly shifted to lean over Mike, letting herself comfortably rest against him with his arms securely around her waist. Mike's cheeks were flushed pink, easily giving into the scene in front of him and letting his rapid thoughts fall quiet.

"Mike," she mumbled, a breathless gasp escaping her lips, finding it harder to breathe. 

Her fingers gripped onto his shirt, attempting to pull him closer to her. Mike realized, gently flipping them and laying her down on the blankets. He leaned over her, closing the spaces between them and eagerly kissing her lips again. He ran his hand through her hair, his fingers accidently tugging at the ends and drawing a barely audible moan from El. Mike's cool fingertips grazed her skin, her breath hitching and her cheeks flushing red. El made a soft noise in her throat, asking for him to continue. Mike's heart jumped at the subtle noise and he leaned down to experimentally kiss her neck.

"Trust me?"

She nodded in reply as Mike let his lips crash into hers, nearly drawing a moan from her lips.

This definitely wasn't their first make out session. Mike had learned to let El set the pace though she trusted Mike with her life and nearly everything he did made her heart race. El clearly enjoyed what he was doing to her, though she wasn't exactly sure why it always felt so good. Mike always enjoyed it too, watching how her breath would hitch and light moans or whimpers that would escape her lips at simple kisses.

He pulled his lips away from hers and gently pressed kisses against her jaw. El bit her lip and her eyes fluttered closed as he continued to kiss down her neck, each kiss became slightly less gentle than the first. A soft moan escaped her lips, her body relaxing at his touch. Her fingers tugged at his hair as he continued down to her collarbone and pressed heavy kisses against the base of her throat.

"Mmm Mike," she mumbled, moaning softly. A smirk formed on his lips as he slowly left a hickey on her neck, not really concerned about the aftermath of that hickey at the moment. "That feels nice." Her voice was barley audible as she tilted her head back, giving him more room.

He glanced up at her, smiling at her reactions. Sliding his hands up from her hips to waist, her shirt slid up some. He glanced at her before leaning down to press a few extremely gentle kisses to the partially exposed skin. She gasped softly,  her head falling back against the pillows. That was the farthest they had ever gone; if it made El feel good, that's all that mattered to him.

After a moment, she placed a hand on his shoulder. He stopped, moving up to look at her face. She smiled, leaning up some to press a few kisses to his neck. He grinned, placing a hand to the back of her head so she wasn't straining her neck. El's innocent persona had begun to fade, especially the more she was with Mike. No wonder Hopper hated when they were together.

"That feels nice," he whispered near her ear, gently rubbing her hip with his other hand.

Mike shifted to lay on his side, giving El better access to his neck. She continued to leave kisses where she could, making him sigh and close his eyes. She could feel his rapid heartbeat as she left kisses on his skin. Her kisses were light yet loving, making his heart skip beats and his stomach flutter at her touch. He placed a hand to her lower back, his fingertips dragging across her bare skin as he pulled her closer.

At his touch, her head fell back again. "You make me feel weak," El mumbled, a light blush covering her cheeks.

"In a good way?"

"R-really good."

He trailed light kisses along her jaw, a smug smile on his face from her words. She tilted her head back and closed her eyes, biting her lip at the pleasure she felt. Mike's hands slipped under her t-shirt and tugged it up ever so slightly. His hands rested on her sides, his fingers rubbing her waist softly as he let his lips crash against hers again.

Moments later, El broke the kiss, unable to breathe. Her eyes locked with his, a smile forming on her lips. She wrapped her arms around his neck, nuzzling her head into the crook of his neck perfectly. He shifted to lay on his back, El instantly curling into him. 

"Did I hurt you?" Regardless of how many times he and El had made out, he felt obligated to ask her that question every time. He loved her too much to hurt her and it gave him a sense of anxiety.

"You never hurt me," she mumbled, her head buried in his shoulder. "Always feels good."

His face flushed pink as he pressed a kiss to his girlfriend's head. "Y'know, Hopper would kill me if he found out."

She giggled. "He won't. I like you and the kisses too much." She looked at the fort around them, a few old memories flooding her mind.

Mike laughed and held her as close as possible, resting his cheek against the top of her head and relaxing against her touch.


The blanket fort had many purposes over the years. And a few of those purposes were better to remain quiet; especially since a few of those reasons would result in a dead Mike.

Hope you enjoyed. I have a really cute oneshot planned next relating to Romeo and Juliet (The Romeo and Juliet with Leonardo DiCaprio is superior, fight me).

I hope everyone is doing okay right now with the Coronavirus pandemic. Wish everyone the best.

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