Neverending Story

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(Prepare the tissues. Also, disclaimer: Some of these dates may not be fully accurate since the exact date of certain events in the show are not known. ALSO, almost all of the dialogue is word-by-word from the show so a vote would be appreciated)

November 7th, 1983: That was the day Mike Wheeler's life had changed forever.

That had been the day El had come into his life. That night in November, Mike had gone looking for Will, but found the answer to Will's disappearance and eventually, a friend. He had welcomed El into his house, agreeing to keep her secret... but for what reason? That reason would be unknown until later.

Mike had quickly accepted her as a friend, teaching her what friendship was and what trust meant. Mike had found a new friend that would listen to his stories and rants with curious eyes, paying attention to every word he spoke. She understood him, though he assumed she wouldn't have. She'd watch him talk, letting him speak his words without interrupting at all. He had quickly built a relationship with her, almost instantly clicking with her.

And El, the girl who had escaped from a possessive and abusive place, had found a home and someone who truly cared about her. El had found someone who protected her and cared for her, making sure she was alright at every moment, though he knew how powerful and strong she was. She had learnt what it meant to have friends and what promise meant because of him. He looked out for her as much as he could. He didn't press to find out more about her strange life, but instead took things at El's pace, letting her slowly open up to him as she pleased.

They had both found each other; people who needed someone to lean on and make them feel like they weren't alone in the world. Someone who understood and accepted them without batting an eye. Someone who looked out for the other and would do anything for each other. And those two people had been Mike and El.

November 7th 1983 was the night both of their lives changed for good and their story began.


November/December 1983: The night Mike kissed El.

They had been talking, and a sudden urge had come over Mike that he couldn't really describe with words. After El had used her powers in the gym, he had been more than worried about her, for a reason he wasn't sure of until after his lips had touched hers. He had a look of awe lingering in his eyes as he truly realized how brave and strong and unique and understanding she was. He had a new found interest and liking to the girl who sat before him, though he wouldn't admit it.

"Are you feeling any better?" Mike asked, looking over at El who sat across from him. El simply shrugged, her eyes landing in her lap.

"What's 'pudding'?" El asked softly, overhearing Dustin's remarks about the pudding in the cafeteria.

"It's chocolate goo you eat with a spoon," Mike said simply, "don't worry, when all this is over, you won't have to eat junk food and leftovers like a dog. My mom... she's a pretty awesome cook. She can make you whatever you'd like."


"Well yeah, eggos, but real food too." Mike sighed, "See, I was thinking, when all this is over and Will is back and you're not a secret anymore, we can get you an actual bed in the basement," he smiled, "or you can take my room if you want since I'm down there all the time anyways." He paused for a moment, "My point is, they'll take care of you. They'll be like your new parents and Nancy, she'll be like your new sister."

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