Thunder & Lightning

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(Age 12)
Takes place before they are dating and El is still secretly living in Mike's basement

"Hey El, I brought you some dinner," Mike said softly as he lifted the blanket that was concealing El inside the fort, "I know it's kind of late but my mom wouldn't leave the kitchen..."

"Eggos?" She asked, her eyes lit up when she saw his face.

Mike chuckled slightly. "No, sorry. Not eggos," He sat next to her inside the fort and pulled the blanket back down, "Its some of my mom's pasta... she's a really good cook," He handed the plate to her. "I'll bring you some eggos for breakfast tomorrow."

El nodded slowly, "Promise?"

"Yes I promise." He smiled and met her soft brown eyes. Butterflies fluttered in his stomach as she smiled back. He looked at her intently, trying to capture her image in his mind.

"Micheal! Time for bed!" Karen shouted from upstairs.

Mike sighed, not wanting to leave El, "I'll be there in a minute, mom!" He turned back to El, "I got to go. I'll see you in the morning, okay? If you need something, just come to my room quietly. You know where my room is, right?"

El nodded slowly, "Thank you." She smiled softly, making his heart feel warm.

"No need to thank me El," He said before crawling out of the fort and standing up, "I'll see you in the morning. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Mike." She gave a him another smile before pulling the blanket over the fort again, concealing her inside.

Rain had begun to fall outside as he went upstairs. Meanwhile, El ate her dinner and listened to the rain pattering against the windows.... but it unfortunately brought back memories.

Eleven sat curled up on her bed inside her room. Her stuffed toy sat next her and her knees were brought to her chest. She could hear the rain patterning against the bar-covered window in her small room. Faintly, she could hear footsteps, growing closer to her door with every passing second.

The door opened and a pair of rough hands grabbed her and dragged her out of her room. She screamed as she was put into the central room. The rain poured heavily and thundered boomed above her as she was put into the bath and sent into the void, where she saw one of her worst fears for the first time.

A bright flash illuminated the room and the rain began to pour down. El covered her ears with her hands, trying to block out the sound of thunder and rain above her.

Boom! Crack!

El whimpered and shut her eyes tightly, praying that the storm would be over soon. She tossed and turned before pulling the blanket around her tightly. El clutched her pillow tightly as tears formed in her eyes. She jumped up and silently walked up the stairs, her hands still over her ears.

The lights were off and the house was silent except for the rain and thunder. She slowly crept up the stairs, cringing whenever thunder boomed above her and lightning illuminated the dark room.

She opened Mike's bedroom door slowly, debating about whether or not to wake him up. "Mike?" She whispered, stepping into the room, "Please wake up." She said a bit louder, and jumped slightly when she saw the lightning strike outside the window.

"El? You okay?" Mike asked groggily before sitting up and looking at her, "Whats wrong?"

"I'm scared of t-the-" Thunder struck again and El jumped, fear crossed her face.

"Oh, I get it," Mike stood up, "Do you um, maybe, wanna go back to the basement, and I'll stay with you until you fall asleep?" His cheeks turned red and he looked down, thankful that the room was dark.

El nodded slowly, a small smile on her lips, "Thank you." She whispered.

"N-no problem, El." He replied. Jeez, El had Mike wrapped around her finger.

He was so nervous around her and he didnt know why. After all, El was just a girl who had powers and grew up in a lab and was currently hiding in Mike's basement; At most, she was a friend. Thats all she was to Mike... Right?

They both crept back down the stairs and into the basement. El crawled back into her fort, and Mike followed. She layed down and he sat next to her, gazing at her alluring and mesmerizing brown eyes.

El whimpered and shut her eyes tightly as thunder boomed outside. "Shh its o-okay El," Mike rubbed her back gently. He didnt know where this affection for El was coming from. "The storm should be over soon."

She nodded quickly and moved closer to him, taking his hand for comfort. Mike's cheeks went red and he ran his thumb over the back of her hand.

"Hold on a minute," He layed down next to El in the blanket fort and took her hand once again, "Better?"

"Y-yes." She shut her eyes slowly and a small smile formed on her lips. He pulled a blanket over her and placed his other hand on her back gently.

"You okay now, El?"

"Mhm, thank you Mike. You are a good friend." She replied drowsily.

Mike grinned and moved a bit closer to her. She flinched from the noises outside and he gently wrapped an arm around her waist as she slowly fell asleep. El had instantly relaxed from his touch, which Mike was surprised by.

What was happening to him? A girl who he had just met made him feel these emotions he had never felt with anyone else.

'I'll go back upstairs in a minute...' Mike thought, 'I'll stay just until she falls asleep.'

Another part of him wanted to stay with El for as long as possible. He had this connection with El that was unique; she trusted him like no one else.

Exhaustion overwelmed him and he fell asleep next to the girl he had a crush on. Both of them had a smile on their faces and they slept while the rain poured outside.

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