Old Times Sake

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After season 3

El raced up the Wheeler's driveway and through the front door, Will following close behind her. She threw open the front door with her powers and rushed into Mike's waiting arms. "Mike."

"There's my girl," he said softly, pulling her closer and tilting his head slightly to rest against the top of her head gently. 

Mike smiled wide, cupping her face and letting his lips crash against hers in a deep and loving kiss. El eagerly returned the kiss, a grin forming on her lips at the feeling and the familiar butterflies that fluttered through her body. Her hand fell to his cheek, a light blush covering her cheeks as she felt his smile against her lips. Their kiss continues to deepen for a moment, their hearts racing faster and their smiles widening.

Max said loudly, "I did not come here to watch Wheeler make out with El."

"I missed my Mike," she replied, hugging Max. "Hi."

"Hi El." Max hugged her, "Welcome home."

That word held a special place in El's heart. No matter where she was, her home was in Hawkins, but more specifically, with Mike. After hugging the others, she quickly made her way back to Mike, letting her head rest on his shoulder as their fingers intertwined.

"Okay that's enough lovebirds," Dustin said loudly in attempt in interrupt their moment but failing.

Mike didn't reply, but proceeded to hold his girlfriend closer to his chest and gently kiss her head. "I missed you," he whispered, his arms wrapped around his waist. He gently rested her cheek on the top off her head, inhaling the sweet scent of her perfume.

"I missed you more," she replied, a bright smile on her lips. "Basement?"

"Sure El," Mike smiled. He looked over at the others and gestured to the basement. "Lets go have some fun."

"In the basement?" Will asked, following the lovesick couple down the stairs, still remembering how hesitant and unwilling his friends had been to play D&D in the basement during the summer.

"Why not," Mike simply shrugged in reply flipping the lights on.

The basement hadn't changed over the years. The shelf of game still remained against one wall and the small, old table with the 4 chairs still remained in the middle of the room. And most importantly, El's blanket fort still remained standing. Mike had made sure to keep the basement the same over the years, not wanting to get rid of the childhood memories they had here.

Mike and El definitely shared many memories in that blanket fort, but many of those memories they preferred not to be known by the others.

"What should we do?" El asked, resting her cheek against Mike's arm.

"We never taught the girls to play D&D." Dustin said suddenly.

"One game for old times sake?" Mike offered.

A grin formed on Will's face and he happily went to get the game from the coffee table that Lucas had "borrowed" from Erica again. Mike and Will set up the game as the others went to find 2 additional chairs for the girls.

"I don't know why we're getting chairs, Max and El could just sit in their boyfriends' laps." Dustin said with a smirk, "I'm sure the guys wouldn't mind unless they had a problem downst-"

"That's enough!" Mike and Lucas said in unison, both proceeding to roll their eyes.

"Ew," Max muttered, taking a seat at the table, earning a giggle from El.

Mike, of course, took on the role of Dungeon Master and set up the game, slowly explaining to the girls and beginning to play the game. El made herself comfortable, slowly moving her seat closer to Mike until her head could easily rest on his shoulder.

Soon, El noticed Mike's gaze from the corner of her eyes. She turned to look at him as he looked away, continuing to explain the next part of the campaign. As El snuggled into his side, he looked at her and slowly wrapped his arm around her shoulders, a soft smile forming on her lips at his touch. 

After a 2 hour campaign, an annoyed Max and an over dramatic Lucas, everyone made their way to the kitchen to raid for food. As the others dug through the pantry, El looked through the freezer, her eyes lighting up at the sight of the familiar yellow eggo box. Make watched El with a grin as she placed the waffles in the toaster and turned it on with ease. He couldn't help but be proud of how independent she had become. Mike knew he would never get tired of seeing the way her eyes lit up every time she made an accomplishment, no matter how simple the task was. For El, it was progress of her independence.

Mike thought for a moment before offering, "Lets go on a bike ride."

Will had brought his bike back to Hawkins with him and left it in the front. Mike mounted his bike,letting El climb on behind him. Her arms wrapped around his waist and her cheek pressed against his shoulder blade. Mike smiled at the warmth he felt, carefully turning down the street with the others.

El smiled at the memories that flooded her mind, her eyes closing. She thought back to the days when Mike would let her sit on the back of his bike and how her stomach would flutter. Mike always made her so happy and these memories that flooded her mind made her happier than ever.

Meanwhile, Dustin and Will raced up ahead, Will's laughs and Dustin's shouts echoing through the street. Max and Lucas calmly followed behind them, engaged in conversation. Mike and El followed at the back, calmly taking their time and not talking, only thinking and feeling.

El nuzzled her head into his shoulder, her eyes closing in relaxation. She could lightly feel his heart beat and she nuzzled her head closer to his neck in attempt to hear the soothing noise more. Mike laughed softly as her actions, peddling slower to embrace the moment. Her arms tightened around his waist as she made herself comfortable.

"I missed you so much," Mike said softly, glancing back at her over his shoulder briefly.

"I missed you too," she smiled, leaning up to kiss his shoulder blade ever so gently.

"Hey El, you going to flip a van again?" Dustin shouted, making everyone laugh. El giggled softly, pressing her cheek against Mike's shoulder blade as they went down the street.

Hawkins gave her mostly happy memories and that's what she preferred to think about. Mike was her home and her friends were her happiness. She tried not to think about Hopper and how badly she missed him, but tried to think of her happiness. Mike quickly turned and kissed her head, the bike swerving dangerously which made El smack his arm. Memories that had become distant became clear again, and doing things for old times sake was a good idea.

Hope you enjoyed, I've had this oneshot idea for a while. Feel free to give me ideas because I'm honestly running out of ideas

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