Winter Days & Hot Chocolate

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(Age 14/15)

El woke up one morning to see white... stuff falling from the sky. Her eyes widened and she buried her face in Mike's chest and shut her eyes.

Mike eventually stirred and woke up to her arms wrapped around him. "El.. you okay?"

"Its raining white stuff... from out of the sky..." She mumbled and snuggled into his chest. (If any of you get what that^ is "from", I love you lol)

Mike laughed slightly and wrapped his arms around her. "El its just snow. It's snowing!"

"Snow? Whats that?"

"Its frozen water that falls from the clouds when its really cold." He explained and started playing with her curly hair. "You can build things with it, or have snowball fights... or even go sledding."

He got out of bed, pulling her with him. "Go get dressed and meet me in the kitchen." He said and left the room.

El sighed and got dressed and went into the kitchen. She pulled out a box of Eggos and put them in the toaster. She jumped when she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist. El relaxed, leaning back against him. Mike pressed a soft kiss against her cheek before pulling away and getting the waffles out of the toaster, a smirk on his face.

"El is it fine if the rest of the party hangs out with us?" Mike asked, taking a bite of waffle.

"Sure... it will be fun..." She replied, trying to ignore the nervousness the bubbled in her stomach. As if by magic, the party ran inside. They were covered in the snow and left snowy footprints across the carpet in the hallway by the door.

White specks were tangled in Max's fiery red hair and she began complaining about how cold her fingers were.

Dustin threw himself onto the carpet, panting like he had ran after a truck full of pudding.

Lucas was fixing his rocket launcher, as if he was preparing it for a snowball fight and was staring at Max.

And last was Will; he had the Wheeler's house phone in his hand. "Yeah mom I'm here.... no everything is fine... yes I'm with everyone.... no I'm okay... Mom I'm fine! Yeah... No... don't worry I won't... I'll be back soon... yes I'll be safe... No i wont be alone... We just got here... ill call you... Yes, I'll get (insert: Mama) Steve or someone to drop me off... okay... Okay! Bye... yes I love you too... Bye. Bye... yes... Bye mom. Bye. Bye!"
(Boi, tell me I'm wrong about this happening, I dare you. XD that is pretty accurate tho...)

Everyone began talking at once until Mike cleared his throat. The party shut up immediately, looking at the young couple who was trying to enjoy an Eggo breakfast.

"Looks like we interrupted something..." Max smirked as Dustin began looking for pudding in the cupboards.

"Dustin.... it's in the pantry." El said and he grinned at her and went through the pantry.

"GUYS I found the chocolate pudding!" Dustin yelled, grabbing a spoon. Everyone rolled their eyes and stifled their laughs.

"Lets go outside!" Lucas shouted. "Finish your breakfast, lovebirds and-"

"And Dustin, hurry up and finish your pudding!" Max shouted.

"Jeez woman, calm down." Dustin said.

Everyone started yelling at once while Will was just staring at everyone.

Mike did a taxi whistle and everyone went quiet. "Outside. Lets go. Now." He tried to be serious, but a grin replaced the "serious" look on his face.

Everyone grabbed their winter gear and ran outside, except for El. She stood on the porch on the front while everyone played in the snow. Nervousness grew in her as she reached out to touch the snow on the railing; quickly withdrawing her hand from the cold.

"El come on..." Mike took her hand. "You'll be okay..."

"Im scared... What if i get hurt...?"

"Ill protect you..." He said and slowly pulled her into the snow. White specks stuck to her hair as she slowly smiled and spun around.

"Wow..." She said softly, looking at the snow-covered world around her. El picked up some snow and molded it into a ball, and threw it at Lucas; she had once seen people throw snowballs in a TV show.

Lucas gasped and turned around, looking at El with a shocked look on his face. A smirk flickered across her lips as Max yelled, "SNOWBALL FIGHT!"

And thats when hell broke loose.

Snowballs were being thrown at eachother as everyone claimed a section of the yard. Mike took El's hand and led her behind a tree. They began collecting snowballs.

"El.." Mike said, out of breath, and pressed a kiss against her lips that she obliged and returned.

They kissed for a minute until Dustin ran to them and shouted, "MILEVEN PDA!" Everyone laughed as the young couple pulled away, blushing.

El, being a smart-ass, used her powers dump a pile of snow on Dustin who laughed and wiped off his face. "No fair you have powers El!"

In reply, she smacked a snowball in his face.

Soon, everyone was covered from head to toe in snow and freezing. Max walked over to Lucas and held his warm hands to warm up her freezing fingertips. Mike wrapped his arms around El's cold body and pulled her into his chest. Dustin looked at Will and opened his arms to him in a hug; Will shook his head and stepped back, making everyone laugh.

"L-lets go inside..."Mike said as he and Lucas brought their girlfriends inside; Dustin and Will followed them. The party threw their winter clothes on the hallway floor and went into the kitchen. Mike began making hot chocolate. After he was done, he handed a mug to everyone.

"Whats that?" El asked, looking at the mug.

"You havent had hot chocolate before?" Will asked and Lucas elbowed him as El shook her head.

"Hot chocolate is hot liquid chocolate and you can put these in it..." Mike said, gesturing to a pack of Marshmallows. "These are marshmallows... They taste pretty good with hot chocolate." He dropped a few into everyones' mug.

Everyone went down to the basement. Mike put on Star Wars as everyone sat down with blankets. El sipped her hot chocolate and cuddled with Mike on the couch.

"I love you..." Mike said softly and kissed her cheek.

But El didnt reply; she had fallen asleep with the mug in her hand and her head on Mike's chest.

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