Secret at School [S]

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(Age 15/16)
Kinda Mature

Math class was the only class that Mike Wheeler hated. Even though Will and Dustin were in that class, he still hated it. He wished he was with El; he never really had a lot of time to be alone with her outside of school. Sure, they both snuck out once in a while, but it was never enough time for them to be together.

Mike felt the same way he had felt when El was missing. He and the party hung out in his basement sometimes, but lately, everytime he and El were alone, they were interrupted by one of their friends or parents. Dustin and the others teased Mike about how annoyed he looked when they were interrupted, but he couldnt help it; they were really-

"Mr. Wheeler." Mrs. Brown, his math teacher said, interrupting his thoughts. "Answer the question please." She had a piece of chalk in her hand and she gestured to the math question on the board.
3x + 5 + 3x - 11 (< If you get that, comment)

"Um... The answer is..." He began writing the question down in his notebook. "6x - 6..." He said flatly.

"Correct." Mrs. Brown said and she wrote his answer on the board.

He started sketching on his workbook, thinking about El the entire time. He really missed her and their alone time together. Mike tapped his foot on the floor while he fiddled with the pen in his hand.

"Mike, whats up?" Will whispered.

"Yeah, you're acting weird..." Dustin said a little bit too loud and Will facepalmed.

"Mr. Henderson, is there something you would like to tell the class?" The teacher asked, an eyebrow raised.

"No, Mrs. Brown. My apologies, please continue with this fascinating lesson on... Whatever stupid shit we're learning..." Dustin muttered, earning an annoyed glare from the teacher.

The class giggled and Mike covered his smile then raised his hand. "May i be excused?" The teacher nodded and he walked out the door and down the hallway.

Mike began walking around, trying to find El's classroom. He pressed his ear against a few classroom doors, trying to hear her voice. He looked into the small window next to a door and his eyes lit up when he saw El sitting in the room.

She was sitting next to the window, not really paying attention to the teacher. Her head was down and she was drawing on her notebook. The teacher suddenly began walking towards the door and Mike quickly dashed away from the door and into the bathroom a few doors down from the classroom.

El's teacher began walking down the hall; once she was out of sight, Mike tapped on the small window. El looked up and met his eyes. She raised an eyebrow at him and he gestured for her to come outside.

"Cover for me..." El whispered to Max as she stood up and walked out of the room. Max smirked and looked at Mike who took El's hand and began walking down the hallway.

"Mike what are we doing...?" El said softly as they stopped infront of a brown door that was marked "Janitor's Closet [Do Not Enter]". "I need to go to cla-"

Mike pressed a hard kiss against her lips, shutting her up. "We haven't had a lot of time to be together, alone... so I thought that we should... hang out together, right now..."

"Mike, what if we get ca-" She started and he kissed her again. El stopped trying to fight him and melted into the kiss.

He pulled away and smirked, then pulled out a pin and picked the lock on the door. Mike pulled her inside, then quickly looked around in the hallway before closing the door behind them.

El flipped on the lightswitch and wrapped her arms around his neck, biting her lip. "You really couldn't wait until after school..? I told you I was staying at your house until tonight cause Hopper has to do an investigation..."

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