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(Age 15)

"El!" Mike whined as he laid his head on El's lap and stared up at her.

She sighed and put her book down, "Yes Mike?" El threaded her fingers through her boyfriend's dark hair.

"I'm hungry," Mike pouted.

El rolled her eyes, "Then go get some food from the kitchen. Don't be lazy, Michael."

"We don't have anything good to eat!"

"We have an entire cupboard filled with food." El sighed. "Or eat some eggos with me."

"But I don't want any of that stuff!" Mike complained.

"You sound like Holly," El shook her head, a smile playing at her lips.

"And you sound like my mom," Mike shot back, making both of them laugh.

"Okay, what should we eat, then?" El asked, placing her bookmark in between two pages of her book.

Mike thought for a minute, "Lets bake brownies!"

"Brownies? How do you even make brownies?" El rubbed her eyes, "What even is a brownie?"

Mike sat up,his eyes wide, "Okay that's it. We are making brownies right now cause' El, you haven't lived until you've eaten a brownie." He stood up and offered his hand to her, "Shall we?"

El smiled and rolled her eyes playfully and allowed Mike to pull her to her feet. They walked into the (currently clean) kitchen, and El climbed onto the counter as Mike pulled out dishes and ingredients.

"So, how do we make brownies?" El asked as she swung her legs back and forth.

"I have no idea," Mike admitted, "It shouldn't be that hard, right?"

El shrugged and opened a bag of flour, spilling some on the counter. Mike had his back turned and was pouring ingredients into a bowl.

An mischievous looked crossed her face as she pinched some flour between her fingers. "Mike?"

"Yeah El?" Mike turned around, only to be hit in the face with flour. "Oh, it's game on."

He grabbed some flour in his hand and threw it at her. "Mike!" She complained. "The flour is supposed to go in the bowl, not on me!"

"You started this El," Mike smirked, still covered in flour, "Now you pay the price."

El measured baking soda and other ingredients and poured them into a bowl while Mike secretly ate chocolate chips behind her, "Mike can you- can you stop eating chocolate?"

"Sorry... Not sorry." He grabbed a hand full of chocolate chips and ran around the room, eating them and throwing them at El.

"Michael Wheeler stop throwing chocolate chips right now!" El said strictly, but laughed and picked up a container of cocoa powder.

"You wouldn't dare," Mike said, grabbing a hand full of flour.

"Try me," El smiled. Mike threw the flour at her. She titled her head, stopping the flour from hitting her.

"Hey, that's not fair!" Mike complained.

"You never said that there were any rules," El smirked and that when hell broke loose.

Flour, sugar and other ingredients were thrown back and forth around the kitchen, spilling on the floor and on them.

Nancy walked downstairs, "Hey guys, I-" Everyone stopped dead in their tracks and looked at one another, Mike and El both holding ingredients

"If anyone asks, I was at Jonathan's house and I have nothing to do with this." Nancy said before slowly retreating up the stairs.

Mike and El looked at eachother for a minute before continuing their food fight. El threw a handful of chocolate chips at her boyfriend as he chased after her with handfuls of baking soda. Mike eventually had El pinned against a wall.

"Do you forfeit?" Mike laughed and held her tight.

"Never!" El giggled and slipped out of Mike's grasp, "Lets finish the brownies now, okay?" She brushed the sugar and flour out of her hair.

They finished making the batter and poured it into a pan before placing it in the oven. El went to the bathroom to take a shower while Mike started cleaning up. She slipped on one of her boyfriend's hoodies and walked back into the flour and sugar covered kitchen where Mike was sitting on the counter, eating chocolate.

"I thought you were cleaning," El rolled her eyes playfully and took a few chocolate chips.

Mike shrugged, "I rather eat chocolate."

El pressed a kiss against his lips, tasting the sweetness of the chocolate on her boyfriend's lips. "Go shower while I start cleaning up."

"El its fine. I'll clean up."

"No, you smell like the inside of that bakery Joyce took me to once. Now go shower."

"Yes Miss." Mike saluted her and left the room, making her giggle.

El shook her head at her boyfriend's stupidity and smiled as she began cleaning up the ingredients that covered the kitchen floor.

She eventually gave up and used her powers to pick up things off the floor. As she wiped the blood away from under her nose as she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist.

"You smell better now," El smiled and turned around, hugging him and resting her head on his shoulder.

Mike chuckled and kissed her head. He lifted her up slightly and helped her sit on the counter. El smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to her. Mike wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her lips softly.

She sighed contently and relaxed against the kiss. She could faintly taste the chocolate on his lips. The kiss lingered for a minute before he mumbled, "I love you El, never forget that."

"I love you to Mike, and I won't." That kiss had made her feel dizzy and her heart was pounding in her chest. "Can you do me a favor, Mike?"

"Of course. What is it?"

Her cheeks turned a dark shade of red as she mumbled, "Can you kiss me again?"

Mike smirked and blushes slightly. He leaned forward and kissed her again. Sparks ran through her body and they kissed,only to be interupted by a strange smokey smell filled the room. Mike reluctantly pulled away and met her eyes for a minute, trying to identify the smell.

"Oh shit, the brownies!"

This chapter was kinda bad but whatever. Don't forget to hit the star button

Also, on Fandom Wiki,it says that Mike and El are officially dating and I fangirled a bit. Thought I'd tell you guys.

 Thought I'd tell you guys

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