Ferris Wheel

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Thanks SnowMione17 for this idea
(Age 15)

"Let's go on that one!"Max shouted, pointing up at a huge rollercoaster on the other side of the park.

El looked up the rollercoaster Max was pointing at and gulped nervously. She watched as the rollercoaster looped upside down and up pretty high. She instantly reached down and grabs Mike's hand to reassure herself. Mike glanced over at El and squeezed her hand gently.

"You okay El?" Mike asked, brushing his thumb over the back of her hand.

El nodded slowly, stepping closer to her boyfriend who wrapped an arm around her waist. "Those things look scary." El mumbled, sighing softly from Mike's touch.

Mike glanced up at the rollercoasters and nodded, "Oh I get it," He gently kissed her cheek, "Hey I'm right here and nothing bad it going to happen and you don't have to go on the rollercoasters if you don't want to."

She smiled softly and nodded, "Thanks Mike." She kissed his cheek and let her lips linger for a moment, making him smile.

"No problem El, now let's go follow the others. I'm right here with you." He intertwined his fingers with hers and began to follow the others with El at his side.

The rest of the party was standing in line for a rollercoaster that stood in the middle of the amusement park. Mike and El joined them in the line a moment later. "Mike, El, are you guys going to come with us?" Will asked, grinning at them both.

"It depends on if El wants to," Mike replied, looking over at his girlfriend. "I'm fine either way."

El looked up at the ride and thought for a moment. The ride wasn't as crazy and big as the one they had seen earlier. Plus, she would have Mike with her to keep her safe and hold her if she got scared. "Sure, I'll go on it."

"You sure El? You don't have to if you don't want to." Mike said softly, kissing the back of her hand.

"I'll be okay, as long as you protect me." She replied, making Mike's cheeks go a light shade of red.

"You guys are gross sometimes." Dustin muttered, handing the ride operator 6 tickets.

Mike rolled his eyes and face Dustin a "shut up" look as the party walked up the ramp and into the ride. Lucas and Max sat together in the front of the ride, Dustin and Will sat in the seats behind them, and Mike and El sat together in the back. Mike helped El fasten her seatbelt tightly before buckling his own.

"Are you sure you want to do this El?" Mike asked softly, intertwining his fingers with hers. "I mean, we can leave right now if you want to."

El nodded, "I'm okay Mike. I'll be okay." She smiled softly, already feeling more secure with Mike sitting beside her. She kept her fingers intertwined with her boyfriend's as the ride started and they began to move up a hill slowly. The smile on her face slowly began to fade as they reached the top.

"This drop isn't bad El, and I'm right here. Nothing bad is going to happen." Mike said soothingly and they shot down the track at a moderate speed. El soon felt herself laughing and giggling during the ride, her fingers intertwined with Mike's. He grinned and squeezed her hand as the ride came to a stop.

"That was fun, let's do it again Mike!" El giggled, slowly letting go of Mike's hand.

"We can go on this ride again later if you want El," Mike smiled, taking her hands and helping her stand up and climb out of the ride.

She nodded and giggled, "Mike can we go get that pink fluffy stuff that Lucas and Will like eating?"

Mike grinned and chuckled, "You mean cotton candy?" He led her down the ramp and began to walk with her hand in hand behind the rest of the party.

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