"Studying" [S]

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This chapter is a kinda mature
(Age 15/16)

"Mike!" El complained as she walked around the basement. "Are you done yet?"

"El, I need to study" Mike said. "This test is worth 20 percent of my grade... I can't fail." His textbook layed across his lap and his papers were scattered across his desk. "We can go do something after, I promise."

"I'm bored and you've been studying for hours! We both know you won't fail; you always do amazing on tests. Please can we go do something now?" El pouted.

Mike shook his head. "Babe, I need to study for a little while longer. I'll be done in an hour." He picked up his supercom and began talking to Will and Dustin who were studying as well.

El sighed and sat on the couch, listening to the static crackle from the supercom. She looked at the clock; 4:58pm.

El had already finished her homework a few hours ago, and had been waiting for Mike to finishing studying; but he kept insisting on studying longer. El laid down on the couch and slowly fell asleep, listening to Mike, Dustin and Will talking about science.

A little while later

"Mike, whats the cycle of which cells multiply called?"

El woke up from her nap and sat up. She sighed as she saw that Mike was still studying.

"Uh, Mitosis." Mike replied into his supercom and he quickly wrote something down on his notepad.

El glanced at the clock; 6:43. "Mike! You said you would be done studying an hour ago!" She frowned and walked over to him and hugged him from behind, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"El, i'm sorry... I really need to study..." Mike said softly and wrote in his notebook.

El had enough. She pressed her lips against his neck. A shiver ran down his spine. "El...stop..." Mike continued to write and talk to Will and Dustin.

El used her powers to make Mike put his pen down and he sighed. "Babe, come on just let me stu-" He gasped as El began kissing his neck, her arms wrapped around him, hugging him from behind. This wasn't something El usually did; her innocence was slowly fading.

She smirked and continued to kiss his neck. Mike had finally snapped, sighing and letting his eyes close.

"Mike, you there?" Will asked.

"Mike! Did you die or something?!" Dustin yelled.

Mike picked up his supercom. "Y-yeah I'm h-here, but-" He moved El so she was in front of him. She began kissing his neck again. "-I h-have to go... B-bye guys." He set the supercom down and looked at her.

El had smirk on her face as she grabbed the textbook on his lap and placed it on the desk. She sat on his lap and bit her lip.

"Really El?" Mike said with a hint of annoyance in his voice, but he had a smile on his face. He wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Mhm... You've been studying for a long time. Just take a break... It'll be fun..." El said softly with a smirk on her face and she kissed him.

Mike melted into the kiss and tightened his arms around her waist. El's arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him against her. He bit her lower lip softly before taking her to the couch, pushing his textbooks, papers and backpack off of it and laying her down on the couch.

Mike hovered over her, kissing her deeply. He mumbled. "I'm sorry I ignored you and didn't take a break sooner... I-"

"Mike it's fine." She mumbled back. "Just shut up and kiss me."

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