Slumber Party

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Age 16

Warning: Chapter includes a little bit of underage drinking, but not a lot. Also a little bit of a make out session. SOrrY PeOPle bUt I KnOw HaLF of YoU lIVe foR tHiS.

"Miiiiikkkkke!" El said as she flopped onto the couch next to him.

"Yes love?" Mike said softly as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

"When is everyone else getting here? I'm bored." She mumbled as she pressed her lips against his neck.

"They should be here in... half an hour..." He replied, closing his eyes. "Its only 7:02."

The rest of the party was sleeping over at Mike's house that night. His parents (+ Holly) were out of town and Nancy was at a friend's (Jonathan's) house for the weekend; leaving Mike with the house to himself. He and El had planned some things for them to do, including some things they weren't allowed to do.

Suddenly a car pulled up to the house, a rock song blasting from the stereo. The car doors opened and Lucas, Dustin, Max and Will got out. Sitting in the drivers seat was Steve, his Ray Ban sunglasses covering his dark eyes.

"Don't do anything dumb, you little shit heads." Steve yelled from the car.  "I better not get a phone call from the police department or ill kill you with my nail-studded bat! Call me if you need something, dipshits. No PDA or I will send you to the upside down the hard way!  Have fun!" (Mother of the Year: Steve Harrington, everyone...)

"Yeah, yeah... we'll be fine... don't get your hair in a knot..." Dustin muttered as he and everyone else walked to the door.

"Wait... is something wrong with my  hair?! I spent an hour doing it!" Steve instantly pulled out a mirror and a comb to fix his hair as everyone walked inside.

As soon as Will shut the door, everyone stifled their laughs. "Jeez... Steve is really obsessed with his hair." Max said, putting her bag on the floor.

"Has anyone else noticed that he kind of acts like our mom?" Lucas said as everyone stared at eachother and nodded.

"Mama Steve." Dustin said and everyone burst out laughing. (Hehe)

"Max, did you bring the cans?" Mike asked.

"Yep.. I brought a couple of packs..." A smirk flickered across Max's lips as she gently kicked her bag with her toe.

"Perfect. This is gonna be awesome!" Dustin said, squealing like a kid.

Will rolled his eyes causing everyone to laugh again.

"Can we get some food? I'm starvinggggg...." Will complained.

Mike nodded and went into the kitchen. They started looking through the cupboards for food, finally finding some poptarts and putting them in the toaster along with the Eggos that El (and Mike) had insisted on eating together.

The party grabbed their food and went down to the basement, leaving their bags upstairs. Everyone sprawled out on the carpet and on the couch in front of the TV as Mike put in a movie, then crawled onto the couch next to El. The introduction for 'Jaws' started playing across the screen.

Mike wrapped his arm around El and she snuggled into his chest, enjoying his warmth. Max rested her head on Lucas's shoulder and moved closer to him. Even to this day, Lucas always blushed whenever Max did something as simple as this. He loved that girl.

Soon, the scene where the woman was killed by the shark came on screen. El felt tension growing in her muscles and she moved closer to Mike, who smirked and kissed her forehead.

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