Loopy Confessions

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Mike gets his wisdom teeth pulled out and is high on laughing gas.
*Takes place after Snowball, and before they are dating*

Thanks SnowMione17 for this awesome and funny af idea.

"I dont want to go, Mom!!" Mike screamed as the party dragged him out of the car and into the house. He had just had his wisdom teeth pulled out and he was kinda loopy. "STRANGER DANGER! Im being kidnapped!"

"I'm not your mom, kid..." Steve said as he got out of the drivers seat and tried to stifle his laughs. "And you aren't being kidnapped, calm down."

"Yeah okay, 'Mama Steve'..." Dustin muttered as they took Mike inside.

"El. Where are you! I don't wanna lose you again!!" Mike said, tearing up.

"I'm right here Mike." El said and sat next to him on the couch. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a tight hug which she immediately obliged and returned. "You wont lose me."

El found it hilarious how strange and high her crush was acting, but realized she and the party had agreed to help 'babysit' him while he was like that.

"Dustin do we have the Ghostbuster costumes, I wanna kill some ghosts!" Mike yelled after he pulled away from El. He started running around the room screaming the Ghostbusters theme song.

"Will he be okay?" El asked, slightly alarmed by Mike.

"Y-yeah yeah, he'll be fine in a few hours." Max said, wiping tears out of her eyes from laughing.

"WHO YA GONNA CALL?" Mike screamed out the window.

"The dentist, if you dont calm down soon..." Lucas said.

Mike teared up and started crying. "Don't take me back to that place that smells like the dead Demodog you guys put in the Byers' freezer!"

"Wait... what?!" Will asked, his eyes wide.

Mike shouted through his tears, "You're a meanie, Lucy!" He pointed at Lucas. "EL!"

"Lucy?" Dustin burst out laughing, along with Max and Will. Lucas glared at Mike.

"Yes Mike?" El said calmly.

"I want eggos." He pouted and took her hand. El had to resist the urge to blush.

"I can make you some." El said.

"Yesh pwease." Mike pressed a soft kiss against her cheek, making her blush.

El could hear the rest of the party awwing. She quickly went upstairs and made some eggos for Mike.

Suddenly, Mike screamed from the basement. El dashed to the stairs, her hands in fists. "Whats happening!"

"DEMOGORGON!" Mike screamed again, pointed at the lights flickering.

Max pointed at Dustin and Lucas who were shoving eachother into the lightswitch repeatedly. El facepalmed. "Mouthbreathers..." She walked over to Mike and gave him a hug. "There's no Demogorgon. Everything is okay."

Mike buried his face in her neck. "Please don't leave me El. I need you." He hugged her tightly.

"I wont leave you... except for right now so i can get the eggos." She said and walked upstairs.

"Guys, I don't have a head." Mike stated.

Max laughed, and had to sit down on a nearby chair. Will giggled at the lost expression on his friend's face.

"Where'd ya put m'head? Where be mah eggos?" Mike said.

"Mike", Dustin said in between gasps. "Mike, are you human?"

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