Because of That Boring Movie [S]

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Thanks SnowMione17 for the idea. Hope i wrote this okay...

Age 16

Kinda mature chapter,but i know none of you guys give a shit anyways...

"Can we watch the new movie?" El asked as she swung her dangling legs back and forth. Mike looked at his girlfriend who was sitting on the kitchen counter, finishing the Eggo waffle in her hand.

"Yeah we can... in a minute..." Mike said and stood between her dangling legs. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her to the edge of the counter. El wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. He leaned in to kiss her until-

Brrrriiiinnnggg! Brrrriiiinnnggg!

Mike sighed and pulled away, and walked to the wall and picked up the phone. El frowned in a slight disappointment and walked into the basement and sat down.

Soon, Mike joined her downstairs and the young couple sat on the couch together as the new movie Mike and El had gotten on VHS began playing on the screen. Mike wrapped his arm around her shoulders and she snuggled into his chest, listening to the soothing sound of his heart beating. El, using her powers, pulled a blanket over them and wrapped her arms around his torso, making him smile.

The movie slowly got boring. Mike lost focus and began looking at El. He ran his thumb across her hand and ran his other hand across her waist. El felt a shiver run up her spine as his hand slipped under her t-shirt. She bit her lip, trying to keep her eyes on the screen.

"El..." Mike whispered, his voice lowered.

"Mhm...?" She replied as she drew circles across his torso with her fingertip. She wasnt really paying attention to the movie anymore.

"This movie is... Kinda boring..." Mike stated, looking at his girlfriend. El nodded in agreement as she shifted her position to look at him.

"Well, since the movie is boring... What do you wanna do?" El asked softly, putting one hand on his chest.

Mike smirked and pulled the blanket off of them. "This." He pressed his lips against hers and wrapped his arms around her waist.

El smiled against his lips and pulled herself onto his lap. She straddled him as her fingers tangled in his dark hair and tugged slightly, making him groan softly against her lips. Her breathing became heavier as he layed her down on the soft couch cushions and connected their lips once again.

El wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him closer, closing the gap between their bodies. Mike's hands slipped under her t-shirt and tugged it up. He ran his hands down her sides causing a shiver to run down her spine. His hands rested on her waistband; his fingers massaged her waist softly, making her groan.

Mike smirked against her lips and continued to kiss her. Her hands roamed down his back and pulled his shirt up; her fingertips made shivers run through his spine. Their lips lingered for a minue before he moved his lips down to her neck. She tilted her head back and closed her eyes as she bit her lip.

"M-Mike..." She moaned softly, her fingers tangled in his hair tightly. "That feels nice..." Her voice was barely audible.

He smirked and sucked on her neck gently, leaving red marks along her neck and collarbone. She bit down on her lip hard, trying to stifle her moans. She could feel his smug smile against her neck and she started to get annoyed. El hated how manipulative and seductive Mike could be. It really pissed her off sometimes.

Brrriiinnnnggggg. Brrriiiiinnnnngggg.

That fucking phone! I swear im gonna shove that phone up the caller's ass... Mike thought and he pulled away from El who rolled her eyes. Her neck was covered in red marks.

He got up and reached for the second phone in the basement; but El had had enough.

She tilted her head down slightly and focused on the phone. It flew across the room and crashed into a wall. Mike eyes widened and he turned around to look at his girlfriend.

She wiped away the blood from under her nose. "Forget about the phone. Come here. Now." El bit her lip slightly.

A slight blush covered Mike's cheeks and he went back over to her. El grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled his close, kissing him hard. His arms snaked around her waist again and pulled her t-shirt up a bit higher. He forgot about the phone that was sitting in the corner and focused on his girlfriend.

El straddled him again and pressed her lips against his jaw. He shuddered as she pressed soft kisses against his jaw and neck. Mike let out a content sigh and closed his eyes, his grip on her waist tightened and he pulled her closer.

"Shit... El..." Mike whispered as her lips kissed the sweet spot on his neck. El smirked and ran her hands across his chest. She continued to kiss his neck, leaving a few red marks across his neck and collarbone. His nails dug into her waist slightly and pulled her closer roughly. She groaned softly from the slight pain but ignored it and kissed his lips once again. (Jeez, what am i doing with my life... *facepalms* I need to get a life...)

With every passing minute,their kiss became more heated. His fingers slipped under her shirt again as he kissed her. El's fingers tangled in his dark hair again, and tugged gently.

The movie was still playing on the TV, but neither of them were paying attention to anything but eachother.

"HOLY SHIT MAH EYES!" A voice screamed from the stairs. They immediately pulled away and looked up at the stairs to see the party standing there. Dustin had his hand covering Will's eyes and Max and Lucas were standing by the doorframe, sh00k.

El quickly climbed off Mike's lap; both of their faces were red. "Whooo nice job Mikey! Looks like someone was finally about to get laid, huh?" Lucas smirked.

"Shut it!" Mike snapped and looked away.

"Dustin, stop covering my eyes..." Will said, pushing Dustin away.

"NO! You are to young and innocent to see this!" Dustin replied.

"Okay, 2 things. 1, im 16! 2, at least i have a girlfriend, unlike you, Henderson." Will said, a smug smile on his face. He and Jennifer Hayes had been dating for a month now.

"Oooh burnnn!" Max said, she and Lucas laughing.

Dustin sighed and walked into the pantry. "If anyones looking for me,ill be with my true love, food." And with that, he sat in the pantry hugging a bag of chips.

"Okay then..." Will muttered and looked down at Mike and El who wouldn't meet his eyes. "Why didnt you guys answer our phone call?"

"Oh,uh..." Mike and El both looked at the phone sitting in the basement. "We were busy..."

"I can tell."Max said.

"Shut up, Mrs. Sinclair." Mike said. A bright blush rose to his cheeks.

"We were watching a movie..."El said, gesturing to the TV, her cheeks red.

"Yeah okay... Sure... Lets go with that..." Lucas replied.

"If you guys dont shut up..." An evil smirk flickered across Mike's lips. "-We'll show Billy... And maybe your mom that picture of you two making out at Lucas's house when you were supposed to be at the library last week..." Mike said, a smug smile on his face.

"Why do you.... How do you.... What?!" Lucas said, looking down.

Max's face went pale. "D-dont you dare... Wheeler im serious... I dont really want my boyfriend to die today..." El picked up the camera with the picture and tossed it to Will who dashed out the front door.

"BYERS, GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE BEFORE I FUCKING MURDER YOU!!!" Max screamed as she and Lucas ran after Will with Mike and El behind them.

"LANGUAGE!" Dustin shouted as he sat in the pantry with his bag of chips and pudding while the rest of his friends chased after eachother. (^ANYONE UNDERSTAND THAT CAPTAIN AMERICA REFRENCE?? If you did you are one of my favorite people ever! Comment if ya did.)

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