Rewrite the Stars •Part 1•

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Inspired by The Greatest Showman (I love that movie)
Dedicated to XStaarry_NightX who also loves this movie.


(Age 15)

"You are too young to have a boyfriend!" Hopper shouted. El had tears streaming down her cheeks and Mike's eyes were cold and glaring at him. "You are not allowed to date Wheeler!"

"But I love him!" El cried, sobs racking at her chest.

"Bullshit," Hopper said, "You spent years in a lab with barley any human contact; you don't even know what love is because you're just an experiment!"

El's eyes grew wide, as if she had just been smacked in the face. The room went deadly quiet.

*record scratch*

Let's go back to the beginning, shall we?

*rewind noise*

After the Snowball, Mike and El had gotten closer. They had caught up for lost time and spent more time together and with their friends who had fully excepted her into the party as the Mage.

El always felt sparks in her stomach whenever she was with Mike. His eyes were always happy and just hearing his voice made her smile. Mike was thrilled to have her home and with him again. Now that she was back, the hole in his heart was healed and he felt complete.

A few months after the Snowball, they had gotten extremely close. Everything had changed that one spring night when Mike had walked her home.

"Thanks for walking me home Mike," El said softly as they walked along the path.

Mike grinned, "Its not a big deal El. I would walk you home any day; I mean, if you needed me to."

The back of his hand brushed against hers, making the sparks shoot up between them. Mike slowly locked one of their fingers together. El smiled softly and watched as he intertwined their fingers, one by one until they were holding hands. She swung their arms slightly, making him chuckle and pull her closer than she already was.

They slowed down as they approached her cabin, and slowly released their fingers. "Goodnight Mike." El whispered softly in the darkness.

"Goodnight," Mike mumbled, subconsciously leaning in closer to her.

She immediately leaned in closer until Mike finally pressed his lips against hers. It was the 5th kiss they had had together, but is one felt different, as if a wave of new feelings had hit them. His hand rested on her lower back while her fingers brushed against his shoulder.

Their lips lingered for a minute before Mike nervously mumbled, "Has Nancy explained to you what dating is yet?" A sudden wave of confidence hit him.

El nodded her slightly in the darkness as Mike thought about his next words. "I-I like you. I mean, like-like you. I like you in a more than friends way, in a dating way; I'm messing this up, aren't I? Shit, I just-"

"Mike, stop rambling," El smiled, slightly please that she had gotten to use that word.

"Do you maybe want to hang out with me at my house tomorrow? I mean, just us. Alone. Like, only if you want to though."

"Are you asking me on a d- da- date-?" El asked quietly, still struggling with that word and others too.

Mike nodded, his cheeks red. "Okay." El said simply before kissing his cheek and going inside her cabin. Mike grinned and began walking home.

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