Week 38 - Storm

45 6 7

Okay, I may have been at home, with my own family at the window, but there is no telling how many neighbors were watching too! Still not brave enough to do this in a crowd amongst total strangers...


She's hormonal today
No reasoning with her mood
There is something in the air
Rustling the quietude

Gloomy gray sky electrified
She cracks a thunderous whip
Unsuccessfully race for cover
Cloud faucets begin to drip

The drip turns to a pour
She rages without relent
I'm drenched sticky pudding
Have to tink, and am malcontent

Decide to embrace the wet
Toss umbrella to the wind
Then from out of nowhere
Bust gut and frolic undisciplined

I stop to catch my breath
She scolds with blistering sun
From behind glass windows
Dry people stare at me, the alien

I can pretend it didn't happen
That's probably what I should do
Sane adults don't live with abandon
Sadly it's been lost and we eschew

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