Really Random SA Short Stories

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Worthy's PoV -

Conor and I were busy pulling weeds in Greenhaven's garden. The sun shone down on us and I was bored, tired, and sweaty.

Then I got an idea, I grabbed a worm that had been digging its way through the dirt not far from me. I smirked and chuckled a little under my breath. I loved Conor but I also loved to give him a hard time.

     I silently made my way over to Conor without him noticing, stealth was one of the only benefits to being part cat. I gently placed the worm on his shoulder then I ran and went back to work, watching over my shoulder to see when Conor would notice. Only a few seconds later Conor noticed the pink worm now trying to slither under his cloak.

He started screaming and crying at the same time. He huddled into the fetal position and rocked back and forth. He didn't even remove the worm instead he just yelled, "GET IT OFF, GET IT OFF ME!"

That wasn't how I had expected him to react. I ran over to him and plucked the worm off his shoulder and gripped him into a tight hug. "I'm sorry Conor, I didn't think you would freak out that bad," I replied.

I felt horrible. Conor cried into my shoulders, I could hear him sniffling and sobbing. I had forgotten about that while whyrm thing, no wonder it freaked him out so bad. I did my best to comfort him and sure enough he got over it and forgave me.


Conor's PoV -

     "Hey, Conor, time for reading lessons," Rollan stated as he strolled into my room with a book.

     I sighed, I found reading to be so frustrating but little by little I was slowly getting the hang of it. So far Abeke, Meilin, and Rollan had been teaching me to read, today it was Rollan's turn. I sat down on my bed next to Rollan. He sat the book in my lap and told me to start reading aloud. I read the words I knew but honestly I didn't know that many. I read in broken sentences but apparently it was enough for Meilin, who happened to be walking by in the hallway, to guess at what I was reading. "Rollan, what the hell are you making Conor read," Meilin stated bargain into my room.

     She looked pissed as she stood with her hands on her hips staring daggers at Rollan. Rollan rolled on the floor dying of laughter. I flipped the book over so I could look at the cover. I really never bothered to read the covers of books because usually I couldn't read them anyway. I could only make out the words "Fifty" and "grey."

     Meilin took the book out of my hand and sighed as she read the cover. She threw the book at Rollan successfully hitting him in the head. "Rollan, don't ruin Conor's innocents," she yelled.

     I sat there very confused watching everything unfold, like that my reading lesson of the day was over.


Karmo's PoV -

"Are you sure that this is a good idea," I questioned Rollan.

We were in an a pet shop somewhere in Concorba. There were birds in cages everywhere and Rollan insisted that we free all the birds. Being part bird myself I knew how important freedom was to a bird so in a way I agreed with Rollan but I also knew how much trouble we would get into.

"It will be fine, don't worry, remember the plan, on the count of three we open all the bird cages, then we run away as fast as we can," Rollan explained, "got it?"

I nodded, how did I let Rollan talk me into this? 1, 2, 3... With that Rollan and I ran up and down the store opening cages and freeing birds as we went. People were screaming and some employees were yelling and pointing at us. A few moments later and all the birds were free and flying for the exit.

Rollan and I did the same. We made our run out the exit and the chase was on. Employees ran out of the store charging after us, but Rollan knew these streets better than anyone else. I followed him and with a few sharp turns and some hiding in the ally, we had succeeded in getting away.

Rollan and I tiredly slid down a dirty ally wall, not caring about how our clothes would look. We were both grinning. Rollan held up his fist offering me a fist bump for our job well done. I gladly bumped my fist to his and "jellyfished it out" sound effect included. Rollan died laughing and face palmed at my foolishness. "Your such a dweeb," Rollan stated.

"Damn right," I replied.

It felt good to make him laugh.


Rollan's PoV -

     My friends and I decided to take a short break from saving the world and go to the local fair instead. Meilin led the way with Abeke, Conor, and myself following. Abeke and Meilin were talking about girl stuff that I did not find very interesting, I do not care what makeup looks best in low lighting. So I decided I would talk to Conor instead of being lonely. I don't understand how Conor can just stand there and not talk to anyone, I always had to be talking.

     "So, what do you want to talk about?" I asked not knowing what else to say.

     Conor simply shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know, what do you like to talk about?"

     I thought a minute. "Memes," was my answer.

     Conor sighed trying to look frustrated at my avid love of memes but he couldn't hold back a small chuckle. "I prefer vines, actually," Conor smiled.

     Who knew Conor watched vines? He didn't seem like that kinda guy. We continued walking and the next person to walk by us I quickly moved in front of. Meilin and Abeke were completely oblivious as they kept on walking and talking about their girly things. Conor stoped though and watched me nervously. "I got one question for you miss," I told the girl I was now standing in front of, " what are those?" I pointed at her shoes.

I quickly ran away not waiting for her reply, Conor followed quietly laughing to himself. Once at a safe distance we stoped running and caught our breath. "Oh, my Tellun, Rollan, your are a Saint," Conor smiled.

I dabbed and was just about to brag about myself when I accidentally hit someone who was unlucky enough to be walking behind me as I dabbed. I turned around quickly, "Oh, I'm so sorry," I stated and since they looked pissed and not in the mood to accept my apology I ran away, again, and hid in the nearby bathrooms for a solid half hour.


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