Devin x Conor - Too Far (Part 3 - The End)

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Conor's PoV -

     After about a month at the hospital, I'm taken home. It's scary being taken back home. What if one of the machines come unplugged and I die and no one notices? I'm exited to be going back home though. I can be with Devin again. I won't have anymore lonely nights when visiting hours are over.

     I'm gently laid on Devin and my bed. Machines are quickly interchanged leaving a moment in between where my life is entirely stagnant. Then the new machine is plugged in and I'm alive.

     Devin takes good care of me. He keeps me comfortable and fed but I notice that he doesn't talk to me much anymore. I miss hearing his voice. I want to tell him that.

     Some nights I hear him crying down the hall. He doesn't cry in front of me which I'm thankful for. I want nothing more than to be able to walk over to him and comfort him but again I can not. Then I think about everything Devin has sacrificed for me. He can't be going to college anymore since he's always with me. He probably lost his job too. Poor Devin. I feel horrible for being such a burden to him.

     With that depressing thought I feel a type of restful state take me away.

Devin's PoV -

     After I dry my eyes I go back to Conor's room. It's late so I lay back in my recliner since I can't sleep with Conor since I might accidental hurt him or worse unplug something in my sleep. I drift off in to my usual restless sleep.

The world stands still. I'm at the kitchen stove cooking. Conor's nowhere around. The cars outside stand dead in their tracks. Pedestrians, mid step, are frozen. Dogs pulling on their leash stand perfectly still. I must be dreaming...

I look down at what I'm cooking, cottage pie. I freeze and frantically open the fridge. No Worcestershire! I scramble out the door and race down the side walk towards the red light district. I catch movement from the corner of my eye. A truck, frozen in time, is turned oddly in the middle of the road. Blood decorates it's front. The driver inside looks horrified, his face stuck. The only moment comes from a blond haired young man trapped underneath the trucks tires. Conor! He frantically tries to push the truck off with his front arms but it won't budge. I rush over to him. "Conor!"

I squat down next to him. "Devin?" He seems tired and hurt.

"Yes, it's me!"

"Help me, please," Conor's still pushing at the truck.

I stand and push with him. It moves. Oddly enough Conor stands as if nothing had happened. "Thanks, Dev."

His voice is still strained and tired though. "I love you, Conor!" I hug him and kiss him.

We break from the kiss and Conor practically colapses on me, "L-love y-you too, D-dev."

I wake up sweating and gasping for air. That's the most realistic dream I've ever had. Then I hear something in the dark. Heavy painful breathing. Conor!

I flick the lights on. Conor lays in bed sweating and breathing heavy like I just was. I crouch down next to him, "Conor, it's okay, I'm here."

I kiss his forehead, "Did you make that dream?"

Conor doesn't answer but I know in my heart that he did.

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