Devin x Conor x Shane - A Jurassic Journey

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A/N -
Dinosaur AU thing because I'm obsessed with Jurassic Park/World. This kinda follows the plot of Fallen Kingdom, at first but not towards the end. Anyway, there may be some spoilers in here for Fallen Kingdom, read at your own risk. I briefly mention some of the Jurassic World characters so as a disclaimer I obviously don't own any of the characters mentioned in this story, except for Fluff...

------ Appearances ------

Devin: Black raptor with a purple stripe, far shortest of the three but most energetic and easily tired, yellow eyes...

Shane: Dark green raptor with a red stripe, tallest and most muscular of the three, strongest raptor with high stamina, yellow eyes...

Conor: Half light green and half albino raptor with a albino white stripe, medium sized raptor, hunting skills are impaired by albinism but is the smartest of the three, using surroundings to his advantage in a fight, blue eyes...

Conor's PoV -

I thought about what it would be like to have a pack, like raptors were supposed to. Would I be the alpha, I was fairly strong and smart? I looked down at my pure white tail and flank, no, there was no way I would be the alfa if I had a pack. I wouldn't even be able to hunt for them. Perhaps it was a good thing I was hatched all alone without any brothers or sisters, no mother, I would have been the weak link anyway. I bit into the large leaf I had found and nearly gaged. I was not made to eat plants, I was a raptor, mighty carnivore. Not me though, I couldn't be a carnivore, my prey could spot me a mile away with my white tail. I curled into a ball in the nest I had made. Another lonely night...

It seemed as if I had only shut my eyes for a moment when a loud crack woke me. A blast of heat spread through the jungle and smoke billowed from the mountain, I knew what to do, run towards the ocean!

The sand felt weird, my claws kept digging into the shifting sand, making it hard to walk. In the distance there were ships and Jeeps. Other dinosaurs were being hauled away on the boats or by helicopter. Then I heard the sound I had always wanted to hear, the call of another raptor. Forgetting my fear of humans and their machines I raced towards the raptor who was being hauled in the back of a Jeep. The raptor was a female with a blue stripe and grey-blue skin. She looked hurt and I wanted to help. I called out to her, she looked over to me and that was the last thing I remember before blacking out.

Shane's PoV -

My leg muscles burned as I continued chasing my prey, a young dilophosaurus, through the jungle. I liked to run but I did not like to lose my prey, if I had a pack I could have caught my prey by now. I chased the dilophosaurus into a clearing where an old amusement park used to sit but now was overgrown and rundown. I backed the younger dinosaur against a stone building, the dilophosaurus fluffed out his frills, which did not intimidate me, he spat acid at me and the black fluid burned at my eyes. The dilophosaurus let out a squeak and raced away. Finally the pain in my eyes eased but the hunger in my stomach grew more powerful, I needed that prey. If only I had a pack...

As I sniffed at bushes and abandoned gift stores in search of prey a loud blast and burst of heat made me forget my hunger. I looked up to see the mountain smoking, this was not good. I did what I did best, run!

I found myself at the beach. There were humans and their machines everywhere. I snuck closer and watched from the bushes. Another raptor, something I though I would never see, was tied down and hurt on the back of a vehicle. She cried out for help but seemed extremely tired and unable to help herself. To my surprise a light green raptor raced towards the blue she raptor from the opposite side of the island. This new raptor was a male and a handsome one at that but he had a white tail and flank. He was the last thing I seen as a sharp pain raced through my body and tiredness overtook me, I smelt the awful sent of humans and I knew they had found me.

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