Devin (Worthy) - The Kitten

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Devin's PoV -

I growled as I looked at my reflection. My cat ears stood out from my dark brown hair and my eye's had turned a bright yellow color. My tail snaked through the air and I had to remember not to wag my tail when I was happy. I hated being part cat, it was an awful feeling. Regardless, I pulled what confidence I had together and made my way to the dining room with all the other RedCloaks.

I took a seat next to Shane and Karmo, my best friends. Shane was busy writing on a notepad, doing all his leader responsibilities. Karmo just sat sipping on some coffee. "So what are you guys doing today?" I ask trying to start up a conversation.

Shane doesn't even look up from his paper, "Work... lots of work."

He seems stressed but if anyone can cope with responsibilities, it's Shane. Karmo shrugs, "I might work on some attacks but I'm not too busy."

"Sounds fun," I know no one asked me but... "I'm going for a walk later if anyone wants to join me, we can catch up, I feel like I haven't talked with you guys in forever."

"Sorry," Shane states, head still in his work.

"Yeah, maybe... come find me before you leave," Karmo shrugs.

We continue our breakfast with small talk. Shane leaves early and Karmo leaves not long after Shane. I'm left sitting alone so I take that as my cue to leave.

     I head back to my room and throw on a jacket. I run by Karmo's room but he's not there, I look in the garden where Karmo normally hangs out but he's not there either. I growl in frustration and regret it a moment later, too cat like. I'll just leave without Karmo then. I find my way outside and find the perfect trail and start my hike. The trail is dark, giant trees black out the sun, leaves crunch under my steps. Everything is eerily peaceful and I love it. For a moment I'm glad no one decided to join me, it's kinda nice being out here alone with nature. Mew. My cat ears twitch, I swear I heard something. Probably nothing to get freaked out over but the peaceful eeriness is gone replaced by a small fear. My cat ears twitch. Listening. Then I hear a small noise. Purrr. Could that be a cat? I hate to admit but I make that noise sometimes. It's not coming from me though. I can't really locate the purr, maybe it's coming from those bushes over there... Meow. A small cat head pokes out of the brush. I stand staring at it, it's a small black kitten. It sees me too and trots over to me happily. Mew. It cries and sits on my boot. "Where's you mum?"

     Purrr. "Oh, thanks, that helps," I roll my eyes.

     The cat's licking my pant leg. I pick up the floofy black cat. It's a he, he smells like a he. Not a bad sent but a he kitten sent. Like warm milk mixed with pine. Maybe that's a cat thing that no one else can do. I hold the tiny kitten as it rubs its face against my chest. The cat stops and looks up at me, "Hi."

     I nearly drop the kitten, "Did you just say that?"

     "Yesh," the kitten talks like a two year old.

     "I'm Devin."

     "Deeevvvyy!" The kitten mews.

     I notice he actually has some white on his chest and his paws. "What's your name?" It feels weird having a semi-intelectual conversation with a kitten.

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