Mercy x Female!Depressed!Reader

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First request and something that I cant really relate to. Lets get started. Place your request in the comments.

Laying in the bed, you wait for your girlfriend to come back. Angela went to get you some more antidepressants. You know this but what if she doing something else or someone?

What if she got tired of you on her way and stopped looking for depressants and found someone else? You wrap yourself tighter in the bed. If you fall asleep, maybe she will come back.

You doze off ,thinking of your sweet Angela.

What feels like only a few minutes you wake up. Looking at the clock, it reads 10:30. You slept for five hours. You struggle to get up,looking for the source you see that Angela returned and is sound asleep next to you.

She really does love you. Maybe more than she should. You don't deserve her. Angela is perfect a genius, a doctor, scientist. All these things she accomplished by herself and what did you do?

Became a hitman and killed people you knew. Your reward:Depression and Anxiety. Angela doesn't need you no one does. Tears start to make their way down your face. You don't feel Angela stirring beside you.

Angela deserve someone who is perfect like her. Not you, this horrible, ugly girl who killed people for money. Your boring e/c eyes that people could look at and become bored. Your unkept h/c hair, that was messy and ugly. No one likes you. No one loves you.

You began hyperventilating which woke Angela up with a start.

"Oh, Liebe, its ok, breath in and out. In and out," You follow her instructions and calm down. She reaches over and grabs your pill bottle. Taking two out, she hands them to you and grabs the apple juice. She hands that to you.

Swallowing the pills and downing the juice you lean back down. Angela wraps her arms around you. She places her head on your shoulder.

"Thank you Angie,"

"No problem,Liebechen,"

Its quiet for a few seconds.

"I love you Angela,"

"I love you too,Y/n,"

Satisfied you fall asleep in her arms.

Done. Hoped you enjoyed!Ciao


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